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Shell script run by launchd in MacOS can't create at job

I'm using the to grant users temp admin privileges. Because I need to have password auth and justification enabled via config, I can't use the build-in feature to limit the duration of ...
meatballbeam's user avatar
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I can't connect from Mac when I change the default shell to bash on Windows 11 SSH

I started an OpenSSH server on Windows and connected from a Mac terminal. I was able to connect when the default shell was cmd.exe, PowerShell, or GitBash, but not when I changed to bash. New-...
Masamoto Miyata's user avatar
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Deleting folders using rm -rf does not free up space

I am trying to re-install macOS on my iMac. My iMac worked perfectly, before I upgraded macOS Ventura (It was a minor upgrade, I was already on Ventura). After I did a regular update, I logged into my ...
אורי orihpt's user avatar
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Command not found -bash error

I am noticing that after I did something with terminal attempting to install a program that some third party commands stopped working. For example, I tried installing miniconda with these two ...
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What process controls two-finger zoom on Mac?

Every once in a while, plugging my Mac into my monitor when lots of processes are running will crash some of the display agents, like exposé, zoom and other trackpad functions. I figured out some bash ...
Alec's user avatar
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2 answers

Shell script in Mac Automator won't work with folders

I am creating a service in Mac Automator which is basically a bash script to change some dcm files with dcmodify. Whenever I run it on a single file it works flawlessly, but when I try to run it over ...
Almostotalnoob's user avatar
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What is the difference between “base64 -b0” in macOS versions prior to macOS 13 (Ventura) and “base64 -i” in macOS 13 (Ventura)?

Up until I recently upgraded to macOS 13 (Ventura) I could run this Bash command to convert a JPEG image into a Base64 string in a script I occasionally use: IMAGE_BASE64=$(base64 -b0 /path/to/image....
Giacomo1968's user avatar
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which -a bash shows same path multiple times

When I check for bash installation I get multiple bash shown: ➜ ~ which -a bash /bin/bash /opt/homebrew/bin/bash /bin/bash Why is the same path shown twice? Is there a way to remove one of the /bin/...
user17714968's user avatar
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aliases for terminal commands not loading on session start [duplicate]

my ~/.bashrc and ~/.zshrc both files have following aliases # exa to ls alias l='exa' alias la='exa -a' alias ll='exa -lah' alias ls='exa --grid --color=auto --icons' # bat alias to cat alias cat='...
abhimanyuaryan's user avatar
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Can't change default login shell on OSX Monterey

I prefer to use bash on my Mac, but the version provided by Apple (GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)) cannot glob files with accented characters, so using homebrew, I have installed a later version, 5.1.16, ...
SJC's user avatar
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The username in my terminal bash is not my name. How to fix it? Do I have security concern?

I ran a sklearn update last week, and today when I opened my terminal, the user name is not mine anymore (as shown in the screenshot, I have no idea who is Yakov). Anybody has any idea why this ...
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arm64 mac: how to keep two shell environments (with and without rosetta) organized

I'm using an M1 macbook air for programming work. There are many tools that need rosetta emulation, while others work much faster and more stable natively. To deal with this I've set up a copy of the ...
lhk's user avatar
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Find the most recent file of a type in terminal and then open it (mac os)

I found part of this question in 2 other posted questions, but I cant seem to get the last step working which is just "opening" the file: How do I get files found by command-line 'find&#...
Mix Lab Tech's user avatar
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To deeply learn how my new Macbook works do I need to learn Unix? [closed]

I've been a Windows person since 1988 and I've bought my first Mac. Yeah thanks. I used to be tech support for Microsoft so it's horrible not knowing deeply how my new machine works. I understand that ...
Luke Puplett's user avatar
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ssh known_hosts seems to be ignored if using ssh as a launchd agent on MacOS

I have a service that acquires data with ssh. This works on linux in systemd, but in trying to do the equivalent on mac, I don't think the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file is being respected, because an ...
openCivilisation's user avatar
7 votes
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What is the correct Homebrew Installation command for an M1 Mac mini and Big Sur?

After reinstalling the whole M1 Mac mini, Big Sur and Migration Assistant for this morning's Time Machine's backup, I'm getting a new error when installing Homebrew: /bin/bash: line 156: /usr/local/...
James Walker's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it possible to virtually dim the brightness of a single window/app?

So that apps with dark mode are unaffected but apps without darkmode can be virtually dimmed. I have apps that virtually dim the screen (I think they just apply a dark color filter/tint onto screen), ...
Larvus Koji's user avatar
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how to gather first part of second line of output in a bash script and set to variable

I have the following command I need to run from a script to create a droplet from digital ocean: RG@iPhone-3 Projects % doctl compute droplet create testdroplet --image ubuntu-18-04-x64 --size s-1vcpu-...
codyc4321's user avatar
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Create new screen with correct environment and at pwd

It's been brought to my attention from my users that the screen command can be made a little easier to use. Initially, calling screen creates a fresh bash environment at the pwd of wherever the user ...
Jeff's user avatar
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16 votes
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Getting an “Operation not permitted” error when running commands after to SSHing from another machine to macOS

I try to SSH from MacBook A to another iMac (iMac B) with two external drives connected to it. SSH is successful but I cannot perform the ls and touch commands. Although I set the full disk access to ...
MeoLuoi's user avatar
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Terminal on OSX stuck at login screen, 80x24 error

I did try all methods given in prior threads. Problem: login, blank screen, 80x24 on Terminal I cannot find any file called in Library/Preferences that I could delete, nor I ...
cascom's user avatar
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Mac Bash Open Chrome to one of the Chrome Settings Tabs

I'm trying to write a script that opens chrome://net-internals/#dns in a new window so people can clear their internal chrome dns cache. But I can't seem to get it to open. This is on a Mac. How can I ...
NickC's user avatar
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What sets default values for Mac env vars other than .bash_profile?

I amusing a Mac. My company used to host a proxy server at http://proxyA and I had my http_proxy & https_proxy vars set to that value in my .bash_profile. Recently we changed to a new proxy (let'...
jamiet's user avatar
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Can't launch Finder window from terminal on Mojave

open isn't behaving as expected on Mojave. Running open /Library/ gives LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -600 for the file /Library. This happens regardless of the opening location. I'm ...
pretzlstyle's user avatar
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Mac - new terminal takes an unexpectedly large amount of time to open

I have observed lately that my bash takes a large amount of time to open. It seems it is running some commands in the background. I am using Oh My ZSH framework for the terminal. On the new terminal ...
Aashish Chaubey's user avatar
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keyboard shortcut to change command and option keys on mac

I have a German MacBook, though for programming I largely use an external QWERTY-keyboard with the standard Windows keys. To not confuse my muscle memory I would like to have the command and option ...
sani's user avatar
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Moving and renaming files recursively

I have the following file structure: root root/year root/year/MM-Month root/year/MM-Month/YYMMTT_Event root/year/MM-Month/YYMMTT_Event/01 Photos/ root/year/MM-Month/YYMMTT_Event/01 Screenshots/ root/...
Lukaszlive's user avatar
2 votes
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Mac Terminal or iTerm: Copy the current command (not including prompt)?

I am using Terminal or iTerm (iTerm2). Let's say I've typed in a command but haven't hit enter yet. Or maybe I used the up arrow to navigate through my command history. How do I copy the current ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Replace a line containing special characters in all files recursively using SED MAC

I was trying to replace a line with another using SED on MAC OS X Terminal I have a scenario where I need to replace a line in all files present in a directory with another line. Both lines are ...
Mutafaf's user avatar
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How to remotely tell a Mac to sleep without using SSH?

I am needing assistance in getting a Mac to go to sleep without the usage of SSH. Almost any other method is acceptable. Backstory: Product Salesman and Project Manger sold a thing without asking ...
Antony T.'s user avatar
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How to copy nested folders to multiple destinations? (unix, bash, mac)

Given a folder structure, such as: /Parent-Folder /Child-Folder /Child-Child-Folder ... How do I copy/paste all child folders to a list of destinations, such as: Dest Folder/ Dest Folder2/ ...
Zollie's user avatar
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Rename mp3 files to remove numeric extension [duplicate]

I have a bunch of mp3 files that iTunes copied over adding a numeric extension, that I want to remove. Is there a Mac bash command that will allow me to do that? Here is what the directory looks ...
Buck Turgidson's user avatar
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Terminal start-up stuck after upgrading to Mac OSX Catalina

I just upgraded my Mac operating system to 10.15.1 (Catalina), and I'm now unable to interact with my terminal properly. When I open the Terminal application (or iTerm), it outputs the last attempted ...
jtotoole's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it dangerous to have /usr/local/bin ahead of /usr/bin in one's PATH?

I was reading a Stack Exchange answer here about a connected topic, and part of the accepted answer said this: never place user-writeable PATH elements ahead of those that can only be modified by ...
user3573051's user avatar
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-bash export message when opening terminal on mac [duplicate]

I'm having the following message whenever I open my terminal on mac OS Mojave: Last login: Sun Sep 22 20:35:33 on ttys000 -bash: export: =': not a valid identifier -bash: export:/Users/MYNAME/.local/...
HappyDays's user avatar
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Different files with same extension colored differently in mac terminal using CLICOLOR=1

I'm coming from StackOverflow where I posted this question and got redirected here. Let me ask it here again : I have been trying to add colors to my mac terminal but not every file is colored. ...
Wexus's user avatar
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macOS: Add VSCode to path

Despite the fact that I have taken care of this: pkaramol@MacBook-Pro bin $ cat /etc/paths /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin /usr/sbin /sbin /Applications/Visual Studio
pkaramol's user avatar
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Restoring deleted files by rm -r

In Mac's terminal, while trying to delete an uncompressed file, I accidentally deleted most of my /usr/local/bin including bash. While searching for solutions to undo the damage, I found that most of ...
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Installing v8 on mac: v8: command not found

I am trying to use v8 on mac and I have tried installing it using homebrew. When i run: brew install v8 I get: Warning: v8 7.3.492.27 is already installed and up-to-date But, when I run v8 ...
John's user avatar
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Terminal (Mac) isn't behaving as it should on startup

Apologies for this rookie question, but I have no idea what to do or who to ask to try and fix this. While following a Codecademy course and trying to set up Git, I did something that I can't for ...
B Sanderson's user avatar
2 votes
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Terminal is not responsive - `process completed`

Following on from my previous question ([echo $PATH results in /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/bin:/bin:/bin:/bin:/bin:) I have been commenting in bash_profile everything out and then I ...
MyKMyk's user avatar
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Why does this netcat pipeline work in macOS but not Linux?

I set up the following pipeline. This allows me to see the raw HTTP requests and responses that pass through the pipeline. Note: I use BSD nc below (this is what comes with macOS and AmazonLinux), ...
Josh Cooley's user avatar
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prevent files from renaming themselves automatically

-using Mac OSX 10.14.3, I have some script files such as this: #!/opt/local/bin/bash some commands in bash; I use them a lot from the terminal, and want to give them short names without a .sh ...
Tim's user avatar
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How to combine Mac terminal find -name patterns? [duplicate]

I use Xcode. I want to use bash to batch modify the UI fonts. Here is the code to ".xib" and ".storyboard": xibd(){ cd "$(dirname "$1")/.." && pwd find . -type f -name "*.xib" -...
black_pearl's user avatar
7 votes
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bash: service: command not found

I was having an issue running a mysql command and saw suggestions on a few issues online that suggested using the service command and it seemed to be that it was something that I should have by ...
mcclosa's user avatar
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How and where does Python modify my PATH variable

/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin is in my PATH variable, and I didn't put it in. I don't want it in my Path. I have looked at these obscure files that might have added this in my ...
Benoît P's user avatar
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How to make new files inherit permissions of parent directory in macOS?

I have a directory python-work for my python(3) work. I create a new file This file will simply print('hello world'). Trying to run the new file: {mac name}:python-work user$ ./ -...
blamesystemd's user avatar
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pbcopy/pbpaste not same behaviour as copy and paste Mac OS

Running the latest version of Mac OS Mojave. I do: pbcopy < dir/sw7.s pbpaste > dir/testpaste.mips.s that copies the contents of sw7.s to testpaste, and the file size is exactly the same. ...
Daily Memes's user avatar
15 votes
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I changed my "HOME" variable and now cannot find "~/.bash_profile" to change it back

I was messing around with environment variables on my Mac, trying to learn how to use them and I used the command nano ~/.bash_profile where I then added the line HOME=/Users/MyCompName/Desktop to ...
Matt's user avatar
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Permission Denied when try calling "sh -c SOMEALIAS" on mac terminal

On mac I made an alias to mitmdump and then I tried through terminal sh -c fullpathto/mitmdump # works sh -c fullpathto/mitmdump_alias # Permission Denied error while double click of mitmdump_alias ...
K--'s user avatar
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