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Cygwin bash script file fails silently

I have a script file that uses rsync for backup, then compares the two directory trees using diff. diff seems to find all the differences correctly - it matches what WinMerge finds. But when there ...
Ronzone's user avatar
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cygwin terminal adds carriage return to bash prompt [duplicate]

Running Windows 10. Just installed Cygwin, running it in Windows Terminal, tried to change the prompt format by editing PS1 variable and exporting in .bashrc and .bash_profile: alias vim='nvim' alias ...
chenel's user avatar
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cygwin64's pgrep not working

I installed Cygwin64 and tried its pgrep.exe tool (with admin privilege) as follows: PS D:\cygwin64\bin> D:\cygwin64\bin\pgrep.exe svchost.exe PS D:\cygwin64\bin> D:\cygwin64\bin\pgrep.exe ...
D.J. Elkind's user avatar
0 votes
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SSL connect error (schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: SEC_E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE

I try to install spotdl using cygwin git clone && cd spotify-downloader curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh pip install ...
Super Sonic's user avatar
-2 votes
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$PATH corruption on Cygwin on Windows 10

I am running cygwin on a Windows 10 computer. If I execute $PATH from the cygwin command window, I get the following error: $ $PATH -bash: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/cygdrive/c/Program: No such file or ...
Ben Blackwell's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to access DNG file creation date from Windows Explorer

I would like to access the creation date of a DNG file, SomeImage.DNG. In Windows Explorer, under View > Details, the "Date" column lists the correct creation date, which I happen to know....
KAE's user avatar
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Start cygwin bash.exe without inheriting windows home

I want to be able to run in the cygwin environment from CMD but when I run C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe -l -i my home gets set to the windows home. As I understand bash.exe inherits the environment from ...
Pangi's user avatar
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2 answers

Cygwin find returns "missing argument to `-exec'"

I have backups script that removes backups older than x days. On Linux machine this is working well: find /backups/dummy-prod-db -name "*_D_dummy-prod-db*" -type f -mtime +7 -exec rm -v {} \;...
Kamil's user avatar
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Move and rename files based on their parent folders

I'm trying to write a Bash function that will find files in a given directory tree and move them to the current folder while renaming them based on their parent folder, but I'm still stuck on the ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Windows: How to make cygwin bash.exe to take precedence over wsl in command line?

I have installed cygwin on Windows 11. Now, when I open the Windows command line, I want the bash.exe command to run the cygwin's bash command instead of bash linked with wsl (Windows subsystem for ...
Adam's user avatar
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1 answer

can't run commands in bash invoked from emacs shell on windows

I invoked "shell" which correctly runs cmd.exe and runs correctly. However, when I run bash from within that shell, every command gives an error Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22000.739] (c)...
anjanbacchu's user avatar
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bash: patch.exe: Permission denied; how to turn off security regarding 'patch' in program name in windows 10?

I stumbled upon a problem patching a .diff file using patch. I use bash under windows 10 and the result of of this operation is as follows: $ patch < patch.diff bash: /cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin/patch: ...
tansy's user avatar
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Accessing notepad++ from cygwin bash

So when I am writing code, I use notepad++ and when I am done, I copy-paste it to plain old notepad because I use Cygwin and notepad is the only text editor that I know how to access from the shell. ...
Ahmad Alkhaled's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

What does the "cyg" prefix mean?

I've seen so many cyg prefixed things like cygstart, cygpath, cygwin etc., but what exactly does this prefix mean?
Wenfang Du's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I add a newline into a command from bash's history?

I often stumble across this problem: I type a command that has multiple lines for readability. This is an example: echo "Hello. This is an example of a very long command which is divided into ...
Bowi's user avatar
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Can I let `rm` prompt again if I type the wrong key?

Question Is there any way to let rm -i just ask again if I type in anything different than j/J/n/N at its prompt? Reason Consider this small example: echo "Hey, I am a file. Or at least I am IN ...
Bowi's user avatar
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Cygwin bash prompt is removing unexpected characters with multiline command [duplicate]

I repaired line wrapping in my cygwin using of the solution in Cygwin bash prompt is wrapping lines on the same line. However, I encountered another problem. When a long command is posted, it's split ...
ashrasmun's user avatar
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Cygwin / mintty window size and GNU bash readline do not get along?

I have a problem with the Cygwin / mintty window size and the standard GNU bash readline shell. When I have 80 columns or less it works normally. But when I make the window wider then the bash (...
Gunther Schadow's user avatar
1 vote
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GNU Parallel is behaving differently on SIGTERM in two cygwin installations

Consider this small bash function: saySomethingToSomebody() { sleep 1 echo "$1 $2." sleep 2 } When I call saySomethingToSomebody Hello Adam, it says Hello Adam. and waits a bit ...
Bowi's user avatar
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How to setup Cygwin in Sublime Text in terminus?

I saw a post about how to set up Cygwin in Sublime Text in this link, but it's still not working in my case. [ { "keys": ["alt+o"], "command": "...
RajinCoding2007's user avatar
0 votes
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Using variables with bc: syntax error

The original problem This may be more of a bc or bash question than an FFmpeg one, although I would also appreciate being able to prevent ffprobe from printing carriage returns after its output. In a ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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1 answer

Changing default startup directory in CygWin and using alias

Following this post : How do I change the default startup directory in Cygwin? I was able to change the default directory by editing the .bashrc file. I was curious about the alias : I created the ...
m3.b's user avatar
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Remove duplicate lines from lots of files recursively

I have a directory tree of a few thousand folders consisting of an ungodly amount of total lines - about 2 or 3 times my system's memory. I could have run uniq or sort -u inside of a for loop but I ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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Compiling bash loadables on cygwin

I download bash (5.1) source from : # Both in cygwin and wsl1 ./configure && make ran successfully. When I tried to install with # Ran fine on wsl1 make install ...
Philippe's user avatar
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1 answer

For loop logic to skip processing files

I wrote the following script in an attempt to try my hand at automation, to automate some common transformations on sets of text files I work with: #!/bin/bash set -e if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is LC_ALL=C destructive?

I have a reasonably large (~15GB) set of text files. These files are essentially simple databases that contain credentials, and the credentials in them often fall outside of the 128-character ASCII ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

purely command-line operation of dropbox

Is it possible to make use of dropbox account from purely command-line solution e.g a bash script? I have so far failed to find a comprehensive answer to this question. I have used Git for sometime ...
gyuunyuu's user avatar
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Debugging slow cygwin bash startup

Running: strace bash -li and grepping for CreateProcessW: 182 590565 [main] bash 512 frok::parent: CreateProcessW (C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe, C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe, 0, 0, 1, 0x420, 0, 0, ...
levant pied's user avatar
1 vote
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How to test ssh port forwarding using netcat (nc)?

I'm attempting to debug an issue with port forwarding, which is "Why can I not limit which port to connect to?" This isn't the question here though. This question here is "Why won't nc send any data ...
Adrian's user avatar
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Cannot remove files in Cygwin on Windows 10

I just installed Cygwin on a new Windows 10 machine. I get an error "Invalid request code" whenever I try to remove a file. However every other file operation that I have tested so far seems to work ...
Sean Baker's user avatar
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How to run five commands in one sh file?

I'm working in Cygwin terminal when i choose in cygwin terminal ./ it split my files and in second step should execute the remaining commands but it stops bellow content of my ...
Tom's user avatar
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how to install gengetopt on cygwin

I have some C code originally developed on linux, which makes use of gengetopts to parse the command line. I also want to build that code on cygwin. (On linux I simply did "apt-get install gengetopt" ...
danmcb's user avatar
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Cygwin: Is it safe to pipe from /dev/clipboard to clip?

I am using cygwin on windows. Given a long list of strings in the clipboard: mail know trial posture wind census shelf concrete moon fee If I want to "unwrap" them, is it safe to use such a command:...
Bowi's user avatar
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Bash auto completion not working after certain command

I am using graphViz under bash / Cygwin, but somehow when calling it, bash tab autocomplete does not do anything. Example files: myGraph.graphviz is the input file myGraph.graphviz.png should be the ...
Bowi's user avatar
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Escape Character for % in Bash prompt

I have a bat file Sig.Bat containing : rdiff.exe -b 10240 signature 'D:/test/NZ 100% Pure/ABC.txt' 'D:/test/NZ 100% Pure/ABC.txt.DSS' I excute Sig.Bat with command bash -l -c '"D:/test/Sig.bat"' ...
user1018822's user avatar
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Basic bash if statement with hg fails

I'm running Cygwin. I came across the following snippet of Bash code from the FFmpeg Wiki's guide to compiling FFmpeg: cd /ffmpeg_sources && if cd x265 2> /dev/null; then hg pull &&...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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Why is this for loop removing the first one or two characters of a file path?

I am trying to find all *.flac files in a directory tree, encode them with ffmpeg, and then output them to a corresponding tree in another location. I am using Cygwin on Windows 10. This is what I ...
Drew's user avatar
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System Variables (PYTHONPATH) on CYGWIN

I am going through some programing related tutorials that require usage of use bash on Windows. I installed CYGWIN, but it seems linux uses a environmental variable called PYTHONPATH, which the ...
moondra's user avatar
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Creating a Windows application that has to call bash scripts and Python scripts that use Linux-based modules?

I want to create a Windows application that calls bash scripts and Python scripts that use Linux-based modules. I'm pretty new to this, so I'm sorry if this is a dumb question. What would be the ...
trialUser's user avatar
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How to change permissions under Mingw or Cygwin?

My ~/.ssh/id_rsa is 644 when it should be, I believe, 600. The host is Windows 10 and I have both git-bash 2.17.0 and MobaXterm 10.5-3582. If I try to change group, git-bash will fail with $ chown :...
vesperto's user avatar
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Searching for square bracket with zipgrep

I have tried this in Cygwin and git-bash - same result. With plain grep, a [ character in the pattern can be escaped with a backslash to indicate a literal [ character is to be searched for. But ...
Robin Green's user avatar
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2 answers

cmd.exe launched from another cmd.exe

I'm doing a script that I start with bash.exe from Cygwin on Windows: C:\bash.exe It changes my Python Virtual Env depending of some conditions. For those who know Virtualenv, I need to ...
snoob dogg's user avatar
8 votes
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Files created in Cygwin have corrupt Windows security settings

On one Windows 10 PC, when I create a file from a Cygwin bash shell, the Windows security settings for the file are corrupted. So, for example, if I type echo test > test.txt, when I bring up the “...
Claudius Turner's user avatar
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Running an .exe file in cygwin.

I'm absolutely new in CYGWIN and Bash in total, so, I guess that there is an answer somewhere in a documentation, but I'm not succeeded finding it. I have two files coexisting in a directory: file ...
Megabrukman's user avatar
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cygwin + tmux and multiple bash processes

I have cygwin and tmux installed. Every time I run a terminal I also run tmux and then fire up weechat. When I have to leave, I just close the terminal window and tmux keeps running in background... ...
roughnecks's user avatar
7 votes
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How to programmatically clear buffers and caches in Windows

I need benchmark the speed of some bash commands in a Cygwin environment, and ensure that the tests I'm running don't hit the Windows buffers or the caches. Although I'm doing the benchmarking in a ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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Benchmarking bash commands with time and tee

I have a directory containing more than 80GB of simple text file databases that I anticipate needing to grep through often. For this reason, I'm trying to create some tests to compare GNU grep with ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

I want to type a tilde in bash, but pressing F10 gives me '1~' instead of just '~'

Previously I was able to output the tilde symbol in my bash terminal by pressing F10. Now when I press F10 I get two characters: 1~. Same goes for F9/F11/F12. Weirdly, the other function keys F1-F8 ...
user3055163's user avatar
1 vote
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Consequences of removing NUL characters from a text file?

I have quite a large text file (around 20GB) that I use as a simple database, so each record is separated by a new line, and the breaking of this format will cause problems. This file also contains ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
6 votes
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Dynamically append text to filenames in Bash

I have the following for loop to individually sort all text files inside of a folder (i.e. producing a sorted output file for each). for file in *.txt; do printf 'Processing %s\n' "$file" ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar

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