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anacron doesnt work as expected

Trying to schedule a job to run every day with cron or anacron. Search the forum for resolution but still without any success. Changing shell=/bin/bash or bin/sh didnt do anything. My system lubuntu ...
Surepic 342's user avatar
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rsync - Operation not permitted when script is launched by cron

I've got a script that basically launches the following command rsync -avh --progress --no-relative "$SOURCE_PATH/" "$DESTINATION_PATH" and vice-versa (destination to source). ...
sirdan's user avatar
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Run Command after Laptop unfold

I want to run a bash file at a specific moment a day. (8:00 and 20:00). I've already managed to do this via crontab and also on startup if my computer was shut down at the time. My only problem is ...
Sebastian Illi's user avatar
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Running shell Script via Crontab

So I've tried to run a shell script via crontab. My Crontabs look like this: 00 20 * * * $HOME/Bilder/Hintergründe/.background_skript/ and my looks like this: `#!/...
Sebastian Illi's user avatar
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How to tell which files are new or have been modified between calls of a script

I want to call a shell script regularly, and in it I need to process the files present in a directory tree that are new or that have been modified since the previous call of the script. My 1st thought ...
dargaud's user avatar
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CRON to Check if a webapp is working properly and report what happened if not

This is my first iteration in bash:This webapp does not have postgres but Apache 2.4, Tomcat 8. I check first the 200 http response. Then if http server is running and if the tomcat also does. I ...
Serendipia's user avatar
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list of files (ls /dev) is different when run on command line vs. via crontab

Why can't cron ls certain files in /dev using my script ? The script can list /dev completely when run from the command line. The same script run from either cron setup cannot see (list, ls) most of ...
David Purdy's user avatar
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How to setup cronjob with automated emails in linux?

I've been working on creating a script to scan a series of mailboxes on a linux server, find ones that have more than 250 emails in the mailbox, and then send an email with the name of those mailboxes ...
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I created a cronjob years ago, now it is still running on the server but I can't locate it with "crontab -e", what can I do?

two years ago I created a cronjob which execute a python script to backup stuff. Now, the thing is that this cronjob is still running: /var/log/cron.log.1:Oct 9 20:00:02 syslogngsrv CRON[28292]: (...
Elia Pirola's user avatar
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Cron Disrupting VBoxManage Commands

I am on Ubuntu 20.04 desktop, running Virtualbox 6.1 and I use Webmin to run a very simple cron job to take daily snapshots of my virtualbox test server as follows: VBoxManage snapshot VminServer ...
mjones's user avatar
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wordpress automatic updates via cron no root privileges?

this script is run by wich is run by cron every day at 2 o'clock, it allows wordpress to be updated automatically via cli (needs to be installed before) actually runs fine, when run as root ...
user418615's user avatar
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git produces no output when called from script via cron (log/shortlog)

I've got a script git-test going to a local git repo and calling git shortlog to keep track of recent changes. For testing purposes, I just used these lines: #!/bin/bash cd /myrepo.git result="$(/...
Netnoob's user avatar
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Why does cron log to auth.log every 30 minutes?

I have a virtual machine running Ubuntu with these cron settings, four jobs running once a day: 10 6 * * * cd $HOME/... 30 4 * * * mongodump ... 30 4 * * * . .bashrc && ... 10 4 * * * cd $HOME/...
emonigma's user avatar
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Delete all directories on a ftp folder except ones I list cronjob?

Is there any way for me to delete all folders in a given ftp folder using a cronjob, and the deleted files are folders older than x hours, with a few specific folders that are not deleted that I ...
Supmiller's user avatar
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crontab -e: crontabs: No such file or directory

I am trying to set up a cron job in my user crontab on a debian 11 image on a VPS. But I have issues and cannot open crontab: flo@debian-2gb:~$ crontab -e crontabs: No such file or directory flo@...
Phil's user avatar
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Setting $DISPLAY with cron

I've been trying to get my screen to lock every half hour, and thus far it hasn't been effective, as cron (or technically my client, cronie) throws errors and does nothing. Errors below (sourced from ...
belkarx's user avatar
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"/bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: redirection unexpected" in crontab's outputs

In crontab I have this job script : 0 5 * * * /home/user/job_h.bash > /home/user/log_h.log > 2&1 where the job_h.bash contains : #!/usr/bin/env bash set -e source /home/user/pyenv/test/bin/...
Dude17's user avatar
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Understanding how pgrep determines process IDs

I'm currently refactoring a script that works well if executed in terminal directly but exits early due to a process check if executed from crontab. This early termination is caused by code using a ps ...
William's user avatar
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Script in crontab only partially executed

My scenario: I've some python scripts on a raspberry pi. They behave like a service, they run forever without exiting and process signals. They are meant to run in the background, writing some values ...
xph's user avatar
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Why is my script running if run with cli but not with crontab?

On WSL Ubuntu 20.04 I have two scripts (one sh and one python) that run perfectly if I launch them with bash, but not with cron. The second (python) script is supposed to run just if the first (bash) ...
Saverio Guzzo's user avatar
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Ubuntu - Crontab seems to be running my script but not actually doing anything?

Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS Bionic sudo crontab -e */5 * * * * /bin/bash -c '/root/' #!/bin/bash if ! (systemctl is-active varken.service) then /bin/bash -c 'service varken start' fi /...
shelleyshellbashshell's user avatar
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rm -rf no longer deletes folder in cron job

I wrote a program that writes a large number of small files to a temporary directory, then, via a call from within the program, deletes the temporary directory. This program is called via a user-...
stillQuestioning's user avatar
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Speedtest-CLI Cron Job Not Working

Cron job is setup as: */15 * * * * speedtest >> /home/pi/speedtest.log The speedtest script is: #!/bin/sh speedtest-cli --csv >> /home/pi/speedtest.log That uses Speedtest-CLI. The job ...
mlw4428's user avatar
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bash script is not running

I have a Flask project running inside a kali vm, the webapp is running fine but I would like to run it at boot to be able to test it from another vm created a .sh script echo "Starting Flask ...
katysha's user avatar
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Failure to change my desktop background via crontab

I have a shell script called #!/bin/sh touch /home/me/testing.txt /usr/bin/gsettings set org.gnome....
user1551817's user avatar
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Cronjob can't execute notify-send [duplicate]

I have the following file ~/.config/local_scripts/ with this content: #!/bin/sh notify-send -t 10000 "Cronjob" "Test succeeded" This is in my crontab, if I execute ...
TornaxO7's user avatar
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Copying a file while its being written to (in Linux)

I am in a year-long Twitter research project, and I collect tweets via Twitters API and Twarc. In short, this writes a new tweet as a new line to one specified file, roughly one per second at night, ...
Jan Bucher's user avatar
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Can't install anything on my router shell

I know this might be a noob question or maybe not. I have an ssh shell with my router and I want to make a cronjob for the router to update the IP address of a DDNS provider( I tried the ...
Senkottuvelan's user avatar
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Cron job fails to run NodeJS script

I have a cron job for which I want to log output. The cron file (crontab -e) is: 0 7 * * * node $HOME/server/task.js >> $HOME/server/log.txt The cron task is called: $ grep CRON /var/log/syslog ...
emonigma's user avatar
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Why can't I execute shell script via crontab?

I have this script ubicate in /home/documents/files, the script is for the creation of users on Linux, so it asks for some information and later creates the user. I want it to run for every ...
DDR's user avatar
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Cron job doesn't work

I have a shell script which I want to run as a cron-job every 10 minutes. I'm adding the job as follows crontab -e */10 * * * * /bin/sh /home/tool/fill_data/ And the ...
cycero's user avatar
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Cron scheduled backup script not working or writing to log file

I have a duplicity backup script set to run once per day through the root cron tab. I set it up like this: sudo crontab -e -u root and added the line: 00 03 * * * root /home/[myusername]/...
dysonsphere's user avatar
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Cron jobs do not execute

I have 3 python scripts which are scheduled in the same crontab as : # Script 1 0 0,6,12,18 * * * cd path/to/script && /usr/bin/python3.8 -W ignore >> file1.out # Script 2 0 ...
Vasilis's user avatar
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Reattaching a screen in a crontab to wait until the screen closes returns "Must be connected to a terminal."

I use a bash script to backup a minecraft world, which is called from a crontab every day. Though the backups are made just fine, I've found an error message in the output: Must be connected to a ...
Jaïr Paalman's user avatar
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Start tcpdump with script on system start

I'm trying to run a script on startup that runs the tcpdump command on Centos 7 and Centos 6. The aim is to start a rolling pcap when the system starts. I've tried using a cron with @reboot, but it ...
AbruptHat07's user avatar
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Cron call to script giving errors, while executing script normally doesn't

I have been having problems with executing a script every second with Cron. This is in my cron file: * * * * * /var/webconfig/ and this in my : #!/bin/bash cd /root/python-example ...
user9927059's user avatar
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permissions issue when running rsync via crontab

I'm using rsync to backup directories on my local machine to a remote server. I have SSH key-based access set up and working for my user, so when I run the command: rsync --update -razvP --progress ~/...
Daveh0's user avatar
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Ubuntu Shell: Use cron to run 3 scripts consecutively, second must remain running in the background

I've come across the following scenario in one of the servers I recently have to manage. Its an Ubuntu used as a music streaming server, the music must be changed according to an schedule but the last ...
AbianG's user avatar
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How to delete a file owned by different user using a bash script?

I have a bash script that should remove a file from /tmp. Problem: the file is created my user mysql during SELECT INTO OUTFILE export. Thus the script-running user does not own the file. Still, how ...
membersound's user avatar
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Linux - run script every 5 mins as long as user is logged in

I need to run a script when a user logs in and need to run the script every 5 minutes as long as the user is logged in. Script should run within the users security context and should stop running when ...
Abdullah Nehir's user avatar
4 votes
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How to Create CRON Jobs that Require SUDO Permissions

I'm on Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo). I've added my regular user acc. in SUDOERS and only use root when I'm bound to. Now, I've created a basic script to automate my updates and free up some space. It ...
Rubaiat Hossain's user avatar
5 votes
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crontab job log message shows a error status 0x004b from mta#012

The crontab job log message shows a error status 0x004b from mta#012 when I try to check my crontab job. # grep CRON /var/log/syslog [...] I get this log: Nov 26 08:00:01 stiitsrv9 CRON[26109]: (...
Be2's user avatar
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Cronjob fails with “ipset not found” but runs flawlessly on command-line

When I call a script from a (root) cronjob it fails with the message 'ipset not found'. Here is the problematic script line: for i in $(cat /etc/; do ipset -A china $i; done Some lines ...
Stephan Lukits's user avatar
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"Multiplexing" stdout and stderr in /usr/bin/logger

I recently found out about /usr/bin/logger and I find it very good. I noticed that it contains a priority argument (-p) (, facility.alert, etc..). So if I want to log just stdin I do it ...
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Cronjob in background

I have a bash script already tested and working fine. It's a listener that trigger a command on new created files in a specific directory. I added it in crontab "* * * * * root /bin/bash /var/...
user3210456's user avatar
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No output in shell from Echo

I'm looking to modify a script I have to stop it running at a certain time in the day whilst my machine reboots. I've found the following suggestion which seems to fit the bill perfectly but for some ...
rohtua's user avatar
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File descriptor 3 leaked on vgcfgbackup invocation. Parent PID: bash

I'm using bash script to make backup of ubuntu machine with lvm, and then upload it to google drive, script runs every day via cron, without issues, but log file contains following error: File ...
Zurab Gvishiani's user avatar
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Rsync over ssh in a cron job: connection fails

I have created a script in order to backup my files over ssh. The authentication method used is an rsa key without password. #!/bin/env bash LOG_FILE="/home/toto/bin/backups.log" DEST="/dest/" IP=10....
cedlemo's user avatar
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Executing the commands stored in a crontab

I have setup a few commands to run every night using cron. When I don't leave my laptop running overnight, these commands will not be executed. I can't use anacron because it's not available on my ...
Xavier Nodet's user avatar
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Cron job schedule to strem via RTP audio file

I have Asterisk 1.8.28 based PBX and I want to Intercom or Page some audio files at different times daily, I have Cisco SPA508G working as RTP receiver connected to my amplifier and bunch of speakers, ...
Alex's user avatar
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