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bash + how to insert date before line

lets say I want to pipe the date output in the beggining of some text for example echo "this line is test line" | date and expected output should be Wed May 22 14:55:10 UTC 2024 this line ...
King David's user avatar
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How to Print, when columns have spaces - awk?

Problem: desired columns have text with spaces SAMSUNG MZNLN128HCGR-000H1 undesired columns have text with spaces, see VENDOR = M.2 SSD awk only printing the first word. awk not printing the column ...
joseph22's user avatar
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awk string replacement - properly escape '&' character

I am working on one of our applications to update the docker image from using static configs for each environment to a single template using dynamic variable insertion with awk. Our Dockerfile calls a ...'s user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

I want to get every command that has 3 letters and only three letters

I don't get the output I expect using apropos -k . |awk '/^.../ {print $1}' am I completely overthinking this? In this sample output only zsh should have come back. I also tried this apropos -k . | ...
Mark Scheck's user avatar
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Moving files to a directory with spaces in its name

I'm trying to create a directory that has in its name the beginning of the names of the files it contains. I need this in order to archive it later. I have run into problems when moving files if the ...
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How to parse upload and download speed with ifstat and printf?

In bash I'm trying to display rounded (no decimals) download and upload speed in readable format i.e something like that: Download 16KB Upload 200KB I got this but its not quite working: ifstat 1 1 |...
okoolo's user avatar
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2 answers

Find and replace string in a file using 'sed' or 'awk'

Let's say I have the following input file: yhara.runner.mng1.nna1.X9HCJG.1 yhara.runner.mng1.nna1.Z2HCJG.1 100.000 100 yhara.runner.mng1.nna1.X9HCJG.1 yhara.runner.mng1.nna1.AUEM0K.1 94.144 72 ...
denny's user avatar
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1 answer

Loop with awk output field

the output of my script grep 'Interface GigabitEthernet' * | \ sed 's/' | \ sed 's/ //g' | \ sed 's/.log:/ /g' | \ sed 's/Line protocol ...
Lafayette's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiply numerical value after a string in a json file by 3?

I'm trying to replace a number in a set of text files. The number will be different for each file, but it will always occur after a specific string. Here's the original file: "structures&...
Herdo's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

How to remove all newlines from a file?

I have the command cat file.txt | gawk '{print $2}' > test which displays: 1 1 0 0 1 1 Afterwards: vi test :%s/\n// Which outputs: 110011 My question is I don't know how I could incorporate this ...
Antonio De Angelis's user avatar
-1 votes
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write a efficient for loop in bash for multiple files (.PDB files)

I have problem with this script: #!/bin/bash for filename in /home/hb/pg/ensemble/pdbs/P24941/raw_pdb/*.pdb; do grep COMPND $filename | grep "CHAIN:" -B 1 | sed 's/COMPND//g' | sed 's/...
shahed's user avatar
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2 answers

Are linux commands (grep, awk etc) part of the system, or the shell?

I'm a developer, so I know my way around a terminal, but I never really dove into it. I can write bash scripts (albeit on a beginner level, not my area of expertise), but I now need to understand ...
romand's user avatar
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How to find the "pattern" in FASTA file and record the cordinates along with header

I am looking for a solution to search for a string of 17 base pairs in the FASTA file that is the human reference genome. To clarify, in simple words and put the resources, i have tried grep function ...
Santosh's user avatar
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2 answers

Delete lines between two patterns (with multiple occurrences) around a third pattern (single occurrence)

I'm trying to edit an uncompressed PDF on macOS Monterey, and I want to delete objects that contain a certain pattern in their description. Such objects start with "X 0 obj" (where X is the ...
Lucuma13's user avatar
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Find and replace multi-line block in multiple files (bash/linux)

I'm trying to find a way to find a text block that meets the criteria: block starts with "google = {" block ends with next "}" character found - ignoring everything else. Example ...
jbl-toom's user avatar
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Awk regex: how to remove all punctuation except when in the middle of a word?

Following information gathered on this thread, I wanted to use this code to fill my needs, however the code provided wasn't working for more than one punctuation character (e.g. '...'). I thus wanted ...
Michael Gauthier's user avatar
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Summing real numbers from a text file

We have the following file: more /home/avrg.bc.txt 3.4 54.2 4.5 3.5 2.3 89.6 . . . We want to calculate the sum of the numbers in the file as 3.4 + 54.2 + 4.5 + ....
King David's user avatar
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1 answer

keep each line containing x only if column y is the first containing x. remove the rest containing x

I'm trying to reduce a results file that contains multiple results for sometimes the same query and I only want the top result from each query. Using bash and bash tools like awk, sed, etc. I would ...
DJ Champion's user avatar
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Enclose the year in parenthesis in a filename

I have a group of files in a folder that I want to rename; each file has a 4-digit year as part of the filename, I would like to enclose the years in parenthesis. "Ghostbusters 3 2016.avi" ...
user88710's user avatar
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using awk with single quote in a shell script will output error [duplicate]

we are on Debian 11. I'd like to use grep and awk to retrieve information from the content of a single file, like the following: file: /home/user/directory/otherdirectory/data.txt file content: $db['...
iodurocarburo's user avatar
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2 answers

Remove the file name from a messy path in a text file awk or sed

I have an xml file with many lines containing something like this: Save="C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\my files\1020\A54f\Drawing965.DWG" Module="0" Save="C:\Users\...
Priora's user avatar
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2 answers

bash + gawk: set the number of the processed lines in CSV

As a part of my bash routine, I am using the following gawk code integrated to bash function which loop the CSVs and do their analysis: test_ranking44 () { for csv in "${rescore}"/*str*....
Hot JAMS's user avatar
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Remove double quotes embracing variable strings from terminal

I have several files that contain this kind of line: from="$variable_name" and other stuff $variable name can change, so I could have from="$myArray" and other stuff from="$...
splunk's user avatar
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1 answer

Using bash variables in the awk code

The following function written in bash incorporates AWK code carying out math operation on the multi-column data and eventually saves the results in the output file for all processed CSVs. home="$...
Hot JAMS's user avatar
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Use sed/awk to add specific text from one file to beginning of another file

I'm trying to use sed/awk to copy a range of text from the beginning of file1 to a specific line. Then add that output to the beginning of file 2 for a script I'm writing. The following command does ...
grizzly's user avatar
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3 answers

awk Removing Double Quotes from CSV File Quoted Strings separated by comma

I have a csv file I would like to remove any rouge " or , in it. The problem is all my fields look something like this "***********","*********", where * = can be any ...
Alex's user avatar
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Error filtering 2 files using AWK for a given condition

First of all, thank you for your help. I have a problem filtering 2 files using AWK conditionals. The two files I want to filter are these one: Fasta.fa >SiiA lcl|NC_003197.2_prot_NP_463122....
quik1399's user avatar
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Shuffle rows independently in a large file

I need to generate a random shuffle a very large csv (where I don't know in advance how many columns would be) in this way. So I have to go from this form 1,a,... 2,b,... 3,c,... to something like ...
emanuele's user avatar
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2 answers

Extract key from key-value pair

I have a file looking like that. mke_version = "3.3.7" msr_version = "2.8.5" mcr_version = "19.03.14" I want to print from file only key ...
Lotarc's user avatar
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Print sections in text file using awk and shell variables

I have a text file, materials.txt, with a large number of material definitions similar to this: *FILESTART line_a line_b line_c *MAT_PLASTIC 1 property1 property2 property3 property4 ...
Coporob's user avatar
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How to slice array of awk-output in bash?

Summary Depending on what bash or awk version I have, I get different results when I try to slice an array that holds awk output. On older versions of bash and awk the "slice operation" ( e....
gomfy's user avatar
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Replacing words with specified words using AWK

My code generates several json file all of which look similar to { "instance": "sample_instance_05", "steps": [ { "129": "North&...
smilingbuddha's user avatar
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1 answer

(awk) writing content between pattern 1 and second occurrence of pattern 2 into separate files

errors=$(mktemp -d) || exit 1 cat "$logFile" | awk -v d=$errors '/ ERROR /, /********************************************************************************/ {if ($0 ~ / ERROR /) {n++} ; ...
jesper's user avatar
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Extract values following specific substrings in string containing spaces using awk

I have this single line string. WordPress version: 5.5.3 Database revision: 48748 TinyMCE version: 4.9100 (49100-20200624) Package language: en_US I would like to extract 5.5.3 and en_US This is the ...
anastymous's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

find duplicate record in Text file

I have text file with this kind of structure mv /XXX/20000/XXX-18245 /XXX/20000/XXX-28042 mv /XXX/10000/XXX-9942 /XXX/10000/XXX-18166 mv /XXX/10000/XXX-9962 /XXX/10000/XXX-18189 mv /XXX/20000/XXX-...
shl_co's user avatar
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2 answers

Remove lines where either column is empty

I have a large colon-delimited text file containing two columns like this: valueA:valueB valueC: valueD:valueE :valueG If there is no data to the left or right of the colon, I want to remove the ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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Remove spaces from first column of colon-delimited file

I have a very large colon-delimited file with two columns: dhsj fdksjdk:dndkdlkfkd shfdosod dkjsosjd:dkj dosjeod dhswisoaidodisbw: dhsoi wjdos fjfdododjfideefkjso sn:fhfdkd dkdjdf If the first ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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Why am I getting this error in my script? awk: script.awk:19: “ syntax error

I have 2 text files 1.txt AA;00000; BB;11111; GG;22222; 2.txt KK;WW;55555;11111; KK;FF;ZZ;11111; KK;RR;YY;11111; I try to generate this 3.txt output: AA;00000; BB;11111;KK;WW;55555;KK;FF;ZZ;KK;RR;YY;...
Jack Rock's user avatar
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merging with format ;string;

I repost my question hoping to provide now a minimal reproducible example Is basically doing a merge of the two files with format NAME;URL;? Not exactly, string is not required to be a URL, it is ...
Super Sonic's user avatar
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When script carries common strings from rows, lines are truncated

I have this script BEGIN { OFS=FS=";" } ARGIND == 1 { map[$2] = ($2 in map ? map[$2] OFS : "") $1 next } { r = $0; for (i=1; i<=NF; ++i) if ($i in map) ...
Jack's user avatar
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Cat awk command additional code implementation

I want to understand how to use awk cat command because I think to do not understand In this page he suggest me to use his code You should process g2.txt first like this: cat join2.awk BEGIN { OFS=...
user332153's user avatar
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Not the same output of small bash-script on different Linux systems

I have a small script, that makes JOIN of LSBLK and DF commands. Script: lsblk -n -b --output KNAME,NAME,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT | egrep -v "fd0|ram|loop|sr0|hdc|cdrom|[SWAP]" | while read kname ...
Piduna's user avatar
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Helping with Join of output from DF and LSBLK Linux commands via bash

I already asked this question, but without update. I think this information should be related to this site. I need to merge two outputs in Linux. This: lsblk -n -b --output KNAME,NAME,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT |...
Piduna's user avatar
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How to decrypt octal encoding from zfs diff output?

zfs diff replaces some of the characters in files names with \xxxx (in an octal encoding). Can I decrypt it back with awk or sed or any other common utility (without resorting to a perl or a python ...
Andrei's user avatar
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grep for same occurrence more than once

Is it possible to grep or awk for more than 1 occurrence of the same string from a file? awk '/$STRING|$STRING/' file grep -e $STRING -e $STRING file I tried other options but still not able to get ...
user1212006's user avatar
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AWK/SED/GREP - print M lines after the Nth occurrence of a match

I am looking to display M lines after the Nth occurrence of a match. Actually I need to do this in order to split a file containing Nth <regex> always followed by M lines into Nth different ...
Lowrenzo's user avatar
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Remove all characters after first non-numeric character using sed or awk

TL;DR: How can I create an expression using either sed or awk that will remove all characters after (and including) the first character that is not either numeric (i.e. [0-9]) or a period (.). I've ...
Nick's user avatar
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How to execute bash command on nth flat file column and print it out to output?

I need just basename cmd to be executed on 2'nd column [ora@rac TEST]$ cat test.log | awk '{print $1 " " $2}' 9780c69e13e3dda64c3c6ddce2b37803 /test/ ...
HankerPL's user avatar
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pattern match special charecters and display contents between the pattern

My apache log format is as below <""> <-"-"-> <--“"--> [2020-07-10 03:35:46 PDT] >1008< 2470 3006 "https&...
KumarJohn's user avatar
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recursively sort files with string "SENT_" somewhere in filename by the substring immediately after SENT_, and then display them. Linux

So I wish to run this from any directory, say ~/ and have it work for subdirectories. Example would be; ls ~/: /home/me/FILES/DIR_1/DIR_a/SENT_2222_.... /home/me/FILES/DIR2/SENT_3333.... /home/me/...
nate's user avatar
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