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Questions tagged [awk]

AWK is a text-processing language. It is mainly used to manipulate and process structured data, and to generate reports.

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193 votes
18 answers

Removing ANSI color codes from text stream

Examining the output from perl -e 'use Term::ANSIColor; print color "white"; print "ABC\n"; print color "reset";' in a text editor (e.g., vi) shows the following: ^[[37mABC ^[[0m How would one ...
user001's user avatar
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146 votes
12 answers

How to get video duration in seconds?

How can I get video duration in seconds? What I've tried: ffmpeg -i file.flv 2>&1 | grep "Duration" Duration: 00:39:43.08, start: 0.040000, bitrate: 386 kb/s mediainfo file.flv | grep ...
user2783132's user avatar
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62 votes
4 answers

awk, mawk, nawk, gawk... WHAT?

I've just started learning awk and I'm a little confused about all those versions around. Is there any "version" which is found on all Unix-like systems? Like, you know, plain vi? Does the standard ...
user avatar
51 votes
11 answers

sed: how to replace line if found or append to end of file if not found?

With a single input file that only contains comments (starting with #) and VARIABLE=value lines, is it possible to replace a value for a single variable if found and, otherwise, append the pair to the ...
BlakBat's user avatar
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23 votes
6 answers

How to get the pid of a running process using a single command that parse the output of ps?

I am looking for a single line that does return the pid of a running process. Currently I have: ps -A -o pid,cmd|grep xxx|head -n 1 And this returns the fist pid, command. I need only the first ...
sorin's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

replace nth occurence of string in each line of a text file

I have large text files with space delimited strings (2-5). The strings can contain "'" or "-". I'd like to replace say the second space with a pipe. What's the best way to go? Using sed I was ...
dnkb's user avatar
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18 votes
7 answers

How can I replace a newline with its escape sequence?

Using sed to make text that contains certain characters suitable for use in string literals is straightforward: sed "s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g" sed "s/\\\"/\\\\\\\"/g" But how can I do something similar ...
Melab's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

How can I find my awk version?

If I want to know the version of awk I get the following: $ awk --version awk: not an option: --version Checking in man awk I see that my awk is mawk - pattern scanning and text processing ...
fedorqui's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

How can I make a table of contents for a markdown document with Python/AWK/SED?

I have the following markdown document: Heading-a ========== ---text--- Heading-b ------------ --- text --- Heading-c ---------- --- text--- Heading-d ======= --- text---- Heading-e --- ... ...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

Add to every end of line in Notepad++

I have a long text file gallery-dl -g -i w4b027.txt > gallery-dl -g -i a4b028.txt > gallery-dl -g -i b4b029.txt > gallery-dl -g -i c4b030.txt > gallery-dl -g -i d4b031.txt > gallery-dl -...
Roxion's user avatar
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14 votes
7 answers

Piping tail -f into awk

I am trying to pipe tail -f into awk to monitor a logfile in realtime, but according to examples, there should be not problem but I can't get it to work. here is the command I'm running tail -f ...
gimpycpu's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

How to pipe awk output (with periodic, continuous input) to output file?

I am trying to write a command that pipes the continuous output of a free command (run every second) to an awk command that parses a specific value (available free memory) and outputs this to a file ...
Mark's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How can I identify non-ASCII characters from the shell?

Is there a simple way to print all non-ASCII characters and the line numbers on which they occur in a file using a command line utility such as grep, awk, perl, etc? I want to change the encoding of ...
user001's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

Randomly shuffle rows in a large text file

I have a text file of ~1GB with about 6k rows (each row is very long) and I need to randomly shuffle its rows. Is it possible? Possibly with awk?
ddmichael's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How to use awk separator of single quote?

I'd like to use awk to pull out information from SQL output like the following: (count(distinct serverclass)='2') And need to extract the number, which is 2 in this example. I'd like to do ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How can I cat/print a file except the last 2 lines?

How can get I get the contents of a text file, except the last (for instance) 2 lines, with standard or GNU shell tools? (bash, tail, cat and so on.)
Prof. Falken's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Awk doesn't work when inside double quotes

This command doesn't work: ssh $HOST "ls -l | awk '{print $1}'"` Above ignores the command awk. I think it might be because of the double quotes? Also, how would I add another set of double ...
Nick's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Filtering top command output

I'm running a Mac and want to filter the output of the top command for a particular process such that only the PID, COMMAND and %CPU columns are displayed. After getting the PID of the process, I run:...
smokinguns's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How to find files within a size range?

Please suggest a way to find all the zip files which are more than 60 MB but less than 70 MB in size using the find command.
Neel's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Counting occurrences in first column of a file

We have this file: 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 3 52 1 52 300 and 1000 more. I want to count the number of times each value occurs in the first column. 1 3 3 1 52 2 This means we saw 1 three times. How can ...
Arash's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Print line X lines before/after found line

I want to search for a particular string in a certain file. If I found the string, I also want to print the line X lines before (or after) that line. Can this with grep or awk, or do I need a ...
MaVe's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Round off the decimal value in awk

i want to round off the value 262.5 to 263 using awk i have tried the below echo "262.5" | awk '{printf "%.f\n", $1}' My expected answer is 263
Bharath's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Watch with awk command

How do you watch a command like? awk 'NR%2==0 {printf "%s %8.0f", $1, $5}' filename.txt Preceding this with "watch" gives this error: awk: cmd. line:1: fatal: cannot open file `{printf' for reading ...
user1271772's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

stdbuf not working while unbuffer does

I am trying to apply timestamps to stdout of a process. For the proper timestamps to be applied, I attempt to unbuffer stdout of the process. This works with unbuffer but not with stdbuf as I would ...
frankc's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

Pipe output of awk to kill -9

I'm trying to kill any process that has to do with mysql. I'm piecing together a command, and so far, haven't come up with the right solution. One other consideration, is that the last process will ...
well actually's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

AWK Equivalent Functionality on Windows

I need to troubleshoot some issues on a client PC that I am unable to install additional software on and need some basic functionality of awk on windows xp & 7. Basically, I need to strip the ...
Grambot's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

Joining text files with 600M+ lines

I have two files, huge.txt and small.txt. huge.txt has around 600M rows and it's 14 GB. Each line has four space separated words (tokens) and finally another space separated column with a number. ...
dnkb's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Using awk to split text file every 10,000 lines

I have a large gzip'd text file. I'd like to something like: zcat BIGFILE.GZ | \ awk (snag 10,000 lines and redirect to...) | \ gzip -9 smallerPartFile.gz the awk part up there, I basically ...
Sneaky Wombat's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Using ' (' (space followed by parenthesis) as field separator in awk

In an awk script I am trying to use ' (' as the field separator. However unless I escape the bracket with double back-slash, like this: BEGIN {FS=" \\("} it does not work. If I use FS=" \(" I get ...
ps-aux's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

SQL like group by and sum for text files in command line?

I have huge text files with two fields, the first is a string the second is an integer. The files are sorted by the first field. What I'd like to get in the output is one line per unique string and ...
dnkb's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Remove non-duplicate lines in Linux

how can I remove non-duplicate lines from text file using any linux program linke sed, awk or any other? Example: abc bbc abc bbc ccc bbc Result: abc bbc abc bbc bbc Second list have removed ccc ...
qlwik's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Using grep to display second character in string?

I have a string that is always 3 characters... the first one and the last one are always the same. example: ▁▅█ Is there a simple way to only display the one in the middle? (which is the only one ...
Mr.Gando's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

awk match whole word

I want to use awk to match whole words from text file. Including words bounded by non alphanumeric characters. For example - string to search for - ABC Source file - HHHABCCCCH HHH ABC HH(ABC)...
bryan's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

awk - awk concatenate string variable

I would like to awk concatenate string variable in awk. How can I do that? I tried: BEGIN{ t="." r=";" w=t+r print w} But I does't work. Output: 0 Or I want to add variable and result of function. ...
diego9403's user avatar
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6 votes
9 answers

awk + print all line content except $1

I write the follwoing awk script: % echo /var/sysconfig/network/my_functions alpha beta gama | \ awk -v word=alpha '$2 == word { print $0 }' how to tell awk that I want to print all line ...
jennifer's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

using awk with find -exec

I have a directory structure with 14 directories containing a bunch of files containing data in a three-column format (separated with tabs). I intended to use find and awk to extract the second column ...
conipo's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

"No such file or directory" for /bin/awk on Ubuntu

How can I install awk in this version of Ubuntu 11? I installed it from Ubuntu Software Center and I cannot use it. I'm trying to run an awk script: #!/bin/awk Begin { print strftime("ora %H,...
radu florescu's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Rename CSV header using command line tools

Given a CSV file, h1 h2 h3 a b c z x b how to rename the first header to One and the third header to Three using command line tools, namely One h2 Three a b c z x b
elm's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

sudo to kill output of ps, awk, xargs

I want to kill root owned processes containing foo in the process name sudo sh -c "ps aux | grep [f]oo | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -15" this command fail as awk and xargs are ignored. sudo sh -...
Dave's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Print back-reference in regular expression

I was hoping for a way to make sed replace the entire line with the replacement (rather than just the match) so I could do something like this: sed -e "/$some_complex_regex_with_a_backref/\1/" and ...
jakesandlund's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to split binary file based on pattern?

I would like to split a binary file into smaller files based on pattern 'xÚ' (it's 78 DA in hexadecimal), so when there's an 'xÚ' in the file the splitter script splits and pastes the content into a ...
freebsdnewbie's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

linux - replace all double newlines with a space

Is it possible to replace only double newlines in a text file using sed, awk, grep, tr, or whatever is needed? this is data this is more data What I need to do is to replace all double newlines ...
nermolov's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Parsing the output of "uptime" with bash

I would like to save the output of the uptime command into a csv file in a Bash script. Since the uptime command has different output formats based on the time since the last reboot I came up with a ...
Keek's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

output the items that showed up 2 times and more

How can I select the ips that showed up 4 times or more , for example here? the input file is 192.168.1....
Arash's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Inserting string from xargs into another string

Say I have some command that outputs a bunch of strings. The output from this command could look something like: ... foo bar blargh ... Say I have some set string myString$Blah I want to insert ...
well actually's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Using grep to remove lines from a file which contain a string from another file

I have a file containing words (one per line) such as Dog Fish Cat Shoes I have a secondary file in CSV format such as 1,shoes,red 2,apple,black 3,fog,blue I would like to use grep with the ...
Jason Yost's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How can I zero pad a particular field in a text file?

I have a file like this: 123123213,456,be 124243233,4346,ytr 123123123,436535,uytr 324234324,322,yt 234324323,32,tyutr I want to zero-pad the middle field to give the result: 123123213,00000456,be ...
mattm123's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

How to chain awk print statements?

Okay, here's a quick example; me isolating a host's IPV4 in three steps: ip -br a lo UNKNOWN ::1/128 eth0 DOWN wlan0 UP ...
voices's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Search for files with more than one term (grep, awk?)

I am using a command like this to find files with the word 'term' in them: grep -l term * But I now want to be able to find files which have two different words in them (let's call them termA and ...
Peter Howe's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to change the default field separator in awk?

I'm always using awk to manipulate comma separated files, so the first line in my code is always changing the field separator to "," like so: awk 'BEGIN {FS=","} $2 < 20 {print $1}' myfile.csv Is ...
evsmith's user avatar
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