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How do you create an ffmpeg lossless image without re-encoding?

I'm using the command below but not sure if it’s really lossless and without re-encoding? Is there specific command to create lossless image and without re-encoding? I'm new to this. ffmpeg -lavfi &...
Michael's user avatar
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Ffmpeg webm YouTube settings command

Is there a .webm still image command in ffmpeg that is best compatible with YouTube I’m currently using: ffmpeg -loop 1 -framerate 2 -i input.png -i audio.m4a -c:v libx264 -preset medium -tune ...
Michael's user avatar
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ffmpeg command to combine mp3 file and embedded album art image file metadata into a video

my below ffmpeg command works for combining 1 audio file with 1 image file into a video. ffmpeg -loop 1 -framerate 2 -i "C:\Users\marti\Videos\ig_sf_6.5.24_highlights\apple image.jpg" -i ...
Martin's user avatar
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why don't work old batch ffmpeg extraestereo command in new version?

I use this batch command for years in ffmpeg, but from update to the last version don't work and don't see in documentation whats the problem. ffmpeg -i C:\Pelis\video.mkv -vcodec copy -map 0:a -map 0:...
javier vera's user avatar
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I work in Davinci resolve. I have file with multiple audio tracks, but in davinci opens only one audio

So I have a .mkv file with dubs and subs, I can import it in Davinci resolve, but works only the one track. I used HD Video Converter Factory Pro for conversion in .mp4 with multiple tracks and it ...
user hid nickname's user avatar
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Automatically synchronize two audio streams with ffmpeg

Say I have a video of a talk but the soundtrack is bad, and I happen to have an audio recording of the same talk made with a good mike. Is there a way, with ffmpeg, to replace the bad audio with the ...
Sulli's user avatar
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Play analogue video from audio in

I have an adapter with AV input on one end and a 3.5 mm jack on the other. Is it possible to plug the 3.5 mm jack into audio in and view the AV signal going in? I've been trying to use the Analogue ...
jkozaka's user avatar
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How to stream integrated camera to Facebook using FFMpeg

I'm currently using this command to stream to Facebook: ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="HD User Facing":audio="Varios micrófonos (Realtek(R) Audio)" -c:v h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -r 30 -g ...
Cesar LI's user avatar
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How can I detect which channels contain compressed audio in a video file by using command line tools?

I have an MXF file that contains 16 audio tracks. I know the first two tracks (stereo) contain Dolby E compressed video. Using MediaInfo (gui) it lists 16 audio streams with a mix of Dolby E and PCM ...
kfank's user avatar
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Bluetooth earbuds not playing any sound after a while while video calling on my macbook

I am using a 2017 MacBook air. I can watch videos with the same earbuds without any issue at all for however long. But, when video calling or attending meetings in WhatsApp and MS Teams (haven't tried ...
Naseeb Naushad's user avatar
-1 votes
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Lossy audio/video/image formats and data loss

I once heard that if you store music/videos/images in lossy formats, the quality gradually degrades over time. The difference in perception is not the only reason to store music in FLAC. FLAC uses ...
jsx97's user avatar
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Yet another ffmpeg concat audio sync issue [closed]

I've read through dozens of posts, tried many suggestions, nothing seems to work for me. The funny part is that the video is fine in some players (e.g. Quicktime) but not the others (e.g. Chrome). ...
Demiurg's user avatar
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How to mute audio by looping the last second of every x seconds in the video?

UPDATE: Баяр Гончикжапов and inspired by this post, tried: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -af "volume=volume=0:enable ='gte(mod(t\,20)\,15)'" -c:v copy -c:a aac -b:a 192K output.mp4 Post solved, thank ...
Scenario's user avatar
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FFMPEG - How to Merge Three Files - Only Middle One Has Audio

I have three videos that I want to merge into single one. Intro video (mp4) - 3 seconds - No Audio Main video (mp4) - 1 minute - With Audio End video (mp4) - 3 seconds - No Audio When I use ffmpeg, ...
DigitalNomad's user avatar
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How to automatically convert zoompan filter's private fps to input video's fps?

I have a 24 fps video, I'm trying to use the zoompan filter in my video and I'm having trouble setting the filter's private fps. If you set the fps in the zoompan filter to fps=30, the video and audio ...
Hiddos's user avatar
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Complex ffmpeg multi-encode/streamcopy/muxing scenario: is this actually doable?

I'm trying to do multiple muxing/re-encode/copy operations on an input video with ffmpeg and have run into roadblocks with the methods I've tried; before I continue testing, I want to confirm whether ...
rudds's user avatar
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How to change the sample rate of audio for all video files in a directory?

I performed screen records using wf-recorder and I realized that it was hardcoded to encode at 44.1 kHz, but Pipewire defaults to 48 kHz. So it turned out the audio would be perfectly in sync if I ...
Blacklight MG's user avatar
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Using ffprobe to get count of audio streams in mp4 file

I am looking for a way to get a count of the number of audio streams in mp4 files. Among some big long threads (mostly pre-2019 dated) on using ffprobe for this I found the following command: ffprobe ...
Alan MusicMan's user avatar
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FFmpeg: Adding a new audio into video and adjust volume of both audio

I'm trying to add a new audio file to the existing audio track in my video. 1. If the video is longer, I want the newly added audio to repeat throughout the entire video, but if the video is shorter ...
Scenario's user avatar
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How to convert multiple .VTT segments to one single .VTT file or subtitle file?

I have a list of .VTT segments from a bunch of URLs for a stream looking like these (the total amount of segments is much higher):
bigboss's user avatar
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MPEGTS across devices has choppy audio

I want to stream video and its audio between devices. On my pc I am transmitting it using ffmpeg -re -i "video.mp4" -vcodec libx264 -f mpegts udp:// And on ...
Juli's user avatar
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FFmpeg - Using Firequalizer filter based on duration

I try to use Firequalizer filter as audio equalizer in my video. I want the filter to be applied on the first 30 seconds of each minute in the video and disabled for the next 30 seconds. It will have ...
Scenario's user avatar
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How to know my audio codec will support the output container in. Fluent-ffmpeg [closed]

I am building a YouTube downloader. As YouTube doesn’t store high quality video with audio and store them separately so I have to merge them on server. For merging I am using a Node.js server with ...
Rakesh's user avatar
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What is the typical workflow for running "multiple" FFmpeg commands? [closed]

For example, I have listed these out as possible commands so far: # ogg to mp3 ffmpeg -i audio.ogg -acodec libmp3lame audio.mp3 # add audio to video: ffmpeg -i audio.mp3 -i video.mp4 video_audio_mix....
Lance's user avatar
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How can i add audio at specific Frame in FFmpeg?

I have audio that i am adding (without Re-encode) in mute video file, in starting i have intro which has no sound and i want to add audio file after that time/frame , after searching so hard i only ...
Mickey S's user avatar
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Why does ffmpeg alter timestamps when "-codec copy" is given, and how to prevent this?

I am currently trying to remove certain audio tracks from a bunch of m2ts files (mainly to save space), using ffmpeg. In doing so, I would like the removal of those tracks to be the only action that ...
Binarus's user avatar
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FFMpeg removes the video stream unintentionally

I used the following ffmpeg command to downscale a video. But surprisingly the output did not have any video stream, just an audio-only output. ffmpeg -y -i "" -c:v libx264 -vf ...
CtrlAltElite's user avatar
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How to create timestamps for raw H264 to make it VFR using audio as reference?

I had an MP4 screen recording which got corrupted (missing moov atom). I tried untrunc, recover_mp4_to_h264 and MP4Fix, and the latter gave me a complete result. However, the result was pure h264 and ...
Blacklight MG's user avatar
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Combine images and draw text on each image with animation xfade

I am using ffmpeg to merge multiple images and an audio to produce a video. I am using drawtext and xfade with dissolve transition. My ffmpeg command is given below. ffmpeg -loop 1 -t 5 -i ./img/img0....
Imran Khan's user avatar
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ffmpeg make a video from two images and two audio files

I'm trying to create an MP4 video from two images and two mp3 audio files, this is my command: ffmpeg -hide_banner -loop 1 -i incoming/img0.jpeg -loop 1 -i incoming/img1.jpeg -i incoming/aud0.mp3 -i ...
Daniel Kalfa's user avatar
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ffmpeg video encoding has no audio

When I convert any video in ffmpeg - e.g. mp4 to mkv, mkv to mkv - I lose audio for some reason here are the parameters I originally used: ffmpeg -i input.mkv -vf scale=640x480 -vcodec libx264 -...
Patrick Hydar's user avatar
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Remote desktop audio lag

Why when using remote desktop, when playing a video, my keyboard executions are almost perfectly in sync with the image on the screen, but the there is like a 1 second audio delay and sometimes 2 ...
cazanova's user avatar
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Using ffmpeg and concat demuxer producing weird video navigation behaviour

When combining multiple videos segments, each encoded with H265 and Vorbis and containing the same number of streams and frame rate, I use: ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy output.mkv ...
user112346's user avatar
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Spliting video with ffmpeg producing wrong durations

I'm currently using a framework where I have to split a video (originally encoded with HEVC video and AAC audio) in multiple parts to process them separately. Then the final result is obtained by ...
user112346's user avatar
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Very slow and laggy video playback when the sound is directed through HDMI to 4K TV as second monitor

I have a very strange problem with a relatively new PC with Core i5-13600K @3.90GHz. At least two web browsers are playing video extremely slow (1-2 FPS) when sound is directed to the 4K TV LG. ...
smallest technician's user avatar
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ffmpeg concat without reencoding keeps audio in one order but not the other

So I took a video and cut it two ways, one with reencoding and one without reencoding, call them R and C (cut). Im trying to do concatenation without reencoding, and I'm able to concat the video in ...
user3083171's user avatar
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FFmpeg only exports audio, but not video

I'm using the following FFmpeg script to cut part of video and save it: #!/bin/bash # Input parameters input_video=$1 start_time=$2 end_time=$3 output_video=$4 # Calculate duration duration=$(echo &...
GalZoidberg's user avatar
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VLC media player installation on RHEL 9

Please help me to install VLC media player on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. I tried these installation steps, but they failed. I tried to skip few packages during the installation too, but I could not ...
Brijesh B Naik's user avatar
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Going round in circles with ffmpeg concat and filter_complex

Since I've 'flipped' my classroom I'm trying to work out the ffmpeg command that will concat a set of m4a audio files with a set of matching static PNGs to create a pre-recorded talk. I have no issues ...
user1600439's user avatar
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FFMPEG Lossless

How can I make a video still image + sound (audio file) lossless with ffmpeg? I want the still image video to sound just like the audio track/file if its possible, I dont want any transcoding. Also, I'...
Eddie Valentin's user avatar
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Please help to add audio noise while using "mpdecimate,setpts=N/FRAME_RATE/TB"

I have an audio, named noise.mp3. And I want mpdecimate to not just remove all static frames, but replace them with black screen and/or audio noise (which I can use in Adobe Premiere to edit them) and ...
Sat Yo's user avatar
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Convert .data file from Merkury Innovations (Geeni) camera's SD card into a playable format

So my parents bought a cheap security cam, Merkury Innovations 720p to put up around the house. They had some issues and now need to get all the footage from the last 3 days (which is fine because it ...
97WaterPolo's user avatar
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FFMPEG: Sync issue between mp3 and mp4 converted from the same input webm file

Using this command to create 2 files : ffmpeg -y -i input.webm -c:v copy -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 128k -strict -2 -f mp4 rec_50ae1a2a3da64cf1a5f46c53de757d6e-1692704540213.mp4 -vn -acodec libmp3lame -b:a ...
Shashwat's user avatar
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Any video or audio misses the few first couple of seconds; I must scroll back to the beginning to see/hear the first few seconds

When I play any media (audio or video) in any software, the first two or three seconds are skipped. The media starts at 00:02 or 00:03 or so. The only way to access the first few seconds is to ...
Vic's user avatar
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Combing multiple videos and audio tracks for playback in VLC

I have multiple videos (about 5-10 minutes each) that I need to play together during a long presentation with an audio track (multiple files) over it. I created the separate videos for ease of editing ...
0pt1m1z3's user avatar
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Trying to Batch Merge MP3 Audio and MP4 Video files

This is what I got so far... for %%a in ("*.mp4") do _ffmpeg -i ("*.mp3") -c copy "__newfiles\%%~na.mp4" But doesnt quite work... ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i audio.wav -c ...
Christopher Shaw's user avatar
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ffmpeg how to record desktop video and audio in windows 10

I'm trying to record desktop video and audio in windows 10 with ffmpeg. I Use this command: ffmpeg -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -i desktop -f dshow -i audio="Stereo Mix (Synaptics SmartAudio HD)"...
Fantasens's user avatar
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FFmpeg - How to replace the image of a video with a png without modifying the audio?

I'm trying to modify several videos as quickly as possible. The goal is to replace the original image of the videos with a black or white image, in short, an image with nothing. Searching the internet ...
Rafael Coisa's user avatar
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ffmpeg warning and no sound on the encoding video

i try to convert a dvd to mp4 with ffmpeg (on windows) but i have some warning message AND i have no sound on the converted video i use this cli : ffmpeg -hwaccel qsv -i VTS_01_1.vob -vf yadif -c:v ...
Eric's user avatar
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How to add random music for video with ffmpeg

I'm a new user of FFmpeg, I want to add random music (defined folder) for multiple video with ffmpeg ? Specifically: I have a FFmpeg command, i used to process multiple videos in the folder at the ...
alexdo's user avatar
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