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How to stream integrated camera to Facebook using FFMpeg

I'm currently using this command to stream to Facebook: ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="HD User Facing":audio="Varios micrófonos (Realtek(R) Audio)" -c:v h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -r 30 -g ...
Cesar LI's user avatar
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Complex ffmpeg multi-encode/streamcopy/muxing scenario: is this actually doable?

I'm trying to do multiple muxing/re-encode/copy operations on an input video with ffmpeg and have run into roadblocks with the methods I've tried; before I continue testing, I want to confirm whether ...
rudds's user avatar
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Overcoming client isolation for peer to peer audio streaming application

I am a student developer trying to develop an app that utilizes peer to peer audio streaming with UDP. The app's use case requires it to be used in public settings, specifically places like ...
Zachary Haslam's user avatar
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ffmpeg - Jitter when streaming audio over RTP

So as a disclaimer, i'm trying to do something with ffmpeg that may be at the limit of what can be achieved. However, even though it's not possible, i would like to understand why. What I want to do ...
Nicolas Floquet's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

VLC Streams at Higher Sample Rate But Transcodes and Saves to Lower

I am trying to transcode an mpeg4audio stream from a radio station and save the file. I have a headless server I am trying to use cvlc with in order to transcode and save the Stream to a file. Here is ...
ComputerLocus's user avatar
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FFmpeg: Audio is sped up after compressing AVI video

I have an AVI video and I want to reduce the file size. When I run the FFmpeg command below, the resulting audio in the video is sped up, and the last bit of the video has no audio. I play all my ...
Karen S's user avatar
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How to detect with ffmpeg if the stream has video or audio or both?

I am listening on rtsp stream. The stream may potentially have only audio, only video, or have both, depending on how the remote side ffmpeg was configured. I want to dump the stream into hls. This is ...
KamilCuk's user avatar
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Recording m3u8 stream stop time do not work when stream is forwarded using socat

I try to record m3u8 stream containing audio only. It is online radio but listening is geographicaly restricted and in my country requests fails with HTTP 403 but on server in (non-restricted) remote ...
Misaz's user avatar
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VLC Command Line - Run stream and then quit

I'm making Windows batch files that I can run and listen to a stream in VLC but then press any key to exit and stop the stream. This seems to work but I can see the batch freezes after starting VLC. ...
Jake Sherlock's user avatar
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How to detect in real-time, whether there is an audio video sync or lag using FFMPEG?

I'm not asking about how to fix an audio video sync issue or lag. That I'll figure out, using FFMPEG's timeline editing filter. My question is about whether there is a way to detect if the audio and ...
Nav's user avatar
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Automatic connect and disconnect to an audio stream (wget) (Ubuntu)

it's about an audio stream. I already have a code. After that comes my question. :) This is about a connect on an audio stream. I start the whole thing via ./.sh #!/bin/bash # Basic while loop pkill ...
Steven Burghardt's user avatar
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ffmpeg with libfdk_aac: AAC-HE-V2 profile doesn't work for mono sound?

Whenever I use ffmpeg with libfdk_aac to convert a piece of audio to AAC, I noticed the aac_he_v2 profile does not work if the source audio is mono. For example: ffmpeg -i mono.wav -c:a libfdk_aac -...
RocketNuts's user avatar
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FFmpeg: join or merge 2 audio stream whith the second optional

I need to combine one video and 2 stereo audio streams from a srt input to send a one video and 4.0 audio stream to the decklink output. From: Stream #0:0[0x100]: Video: h264 , 90k tbn ... Stream #0:1[...
Calanor's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is audio streaming harder than video streaming?

I have two separate Linux computers on the same LAN. One computer has speakers, the other computer has a monitor. To play a movie with video and sound I have two options: Play the movie on the ...
Jaap Joris Vens's user avatar
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Ffmpeg multitrack live streaming is breaking when source becomes a bit unstable

I am struggling with Ffmpeg live streaming where my input is from many live RTMP streams and my output is multitrack live mpegts stream, the idea is that I am getting input from multiple live RTMP ...
Muhammad's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to stream audio through pipewire from one Linux system to another?

Recently I have fully switched from pulseaudio to pipewire. Everything is great except that the documentation is not too clear on how to setup network streaming. My goal is: Stream microphone audio ...
Linux123123's user avatar
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FFMPEG - mute or unmute audio from incoming stream while ffmpeg is running

I got the following issue: I want to be able to mute and unmute the audio from a ffmpeg stream whilst the ffmpeg is running. I was searching for a while now and wondered how you would do it. I read a ...
NK16's user avatar
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How can .m3u8 and .ts streams or videos properly be saved, without any pixelated or corrupted frames? VLC or FFMPEG, or anything else

I was wondering how to save contents of .m3u8, generally any that works, using VLC at "Open Network Stream". I saw that these files often contain .ts files, that are named "playlist&...
karl-police's user avatar
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How to stream to Facebook live using FFmpeg?

I have ffmpeg on Windows and I would like to stream an MP4 file to Facebook live. The video has an audio track. I running the following command : ffmpeg -re -i video.mp4 -acodec libmp3lame -b:a ...
Thomas Carlton's user avatar
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5 answers

Can we transmit more data through two ports instead of just one?

I send a video and an audio stream between 2 devices with the UDP protocol. The 2 streams are sent through a single port. My question is: Is there any advantage (speed, throughput, risk of congestion, ...
Greelings's user avatar
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Audio stream to file with ffmpeg but trim the audio after a specific time

Is there a way to save an audio stream to a file with ffmpeg but trim it automatically after it reaches a certain time? I'm saving a stream from to a raw file then I stream it from there ...
Marcel Alexandru's user avatar
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3 answers

ffmpeg several streams with different video and audio setting using --filter_complex and tee pseudo muxer from same source

I'm capturing video with embeded audio from decklink mini recorder and need to create 6 different streams. I've created the filter for the video and it works, but cannot figure it out how to set ...
Velislav's user avatar
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FFmpeg: Loop stream of several audio files and a short video

I saw a code to stream several audio files in another topic of questions here on the site. However, I have some doubts regarding this, because in my case, there is no sound and I really wanted your ...
Wesley Henriques's user avatar
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FFMPEG IP Camera streaming on Youtube

Here's the command I'm using: ffmpeg -fflags genpts+igndts+discardcorrupt+ignidx+nobuffer -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://*************** -c:v copy -af aresample=async=1:min_hard_comp=0.100000:first_pts=...
d4rt's user avatar
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FFMPEG - Screen capture with mic and speaker audios

I am trying to record and stream the screen along with audio from microphone and speakers. So far, I am able to record from either the microphone or the speaker, with the following codes. ffmpeg -f ...
Manoj Kumar M's user avatar
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A way to combine an audio and video stream into one window for Discord?

I'm trying to stream a VR game to my friends on Discord, but when anyone streams (Screen Share) a game or any application on Discord, Discord only captures the audio coming from a window. And when I ...
Rexami's user avatar
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How do I add audio to my stream with ffmpeg -i hw:0,2 does not work

Im trying to stream my desktop with audio to icecast but Im getting this error [alsa @ 0x561796555320] ALSA buffer xrun. here is my command ffmpeg -video_size 1680x1050 -framerate 25 -f x11grab -i :0....
Slobodan Vidovic's user avatar
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MPC-BE fails to render files that MPC-HC renders

I am switching to a new computer. I have MPC-HC on my old computer, but I understand that version is deprecated, so I installed MPC-BE on my new computer instead. However, I find that MPC-BE cannot ...
awlman's user avatar
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Merge audio and video stream in ffmpeg

I saw "" and for a project we need to retrieve video stream (RTMP) from a camera and an icecast audiostream ...
Thom's user avatar
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Audio stuttering only during live stream using OBS and only when 'full'/complex

Not sure if this is the right community to post this in, so please advise where, if not here. Been streaming our church service with great success for 22 weeks now since the beginning of lockdown in ...
Helen Danger Burns's user avatar
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MPlayer doesn't play libopus in TCP MPEG-TS stream by ffmpeg

I'm trying to setup ultra-low p2p streaming using FFMPEG and MPlayer with MPEG-TS stream over TCP. As aac codec introduces notable additional latency, I'd like to use libopus instead. When I do so, ...
val - disappointed in SE's user avatar
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Is there a way to stream audio from Windows to macOS with low latency?

I'm looking for a way to stream audio from an application or system output device on a Windows system to a mac over my local network. I need it to be high quality and low latency (less than 50 ms). If ...
Bri Bri's user avatar
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Ffmpeg: Choppy audio when streaming through RTP. Audio and Video sync issues

I am trying to stream video and audio through two separate RTP channels and then retrieve and play them on a client through webRTC and play them in sync. I am able to retrieve the packets on a webRTC ...
jason's user avatar
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VLC plays full video with stream but only saves audio

I'm trying to back up a video from a set-top box i got my hands on, it supports streaming over LAN, and I got VLC to play the stream on my computer without using any special setting or else, but when ...
Ladislav Louka's user avatar
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Realtime audio streaming via internet

Thanks to the Covid lockdowns, a friend and I are unable to get together to play music. Using most popular services like Discord, Skype, Zoom etc, we have over half a second of delay which makes it ...
Jademalo's user avatar
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Stuttering bluetooth audio only with YouTube

I own a pair of RP-HF-400B Panasonic bluetooth headphones. They work very well when paired with my Android phone. When I use it with Windows10 I have stuttering audio when YouTube is playing (it ...
P5music's user avatar
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FFMPEG - merge mp4's side by side and apply watermark

I have one ffmpeg command that merges 2 mp4 videos together side by side and then another command that applies a watermark to the output video of the first command. The commands are: Merge Side by ...
Vito's user avatar
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FFMPEG: How do I output appended log files for Audio (silencedetect) and Video (blackdetect) Monitoring of a UDP Stream (not an MP4 file)

I am outputting log files for both audio and video monitoring for a UDP stream showing silencedetect and blackdetect. I have working code for both however I can't seem to get grep to filter only ...
Jim Dandy BOA's user avatar
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Is it possible to stream audio over an NFC connection?

If I have 2 devices that support NFC, can I have one device actively transmit an audio stream over NFC without bluetooth while the other device, either passively or actively receives the audio stream ...
Generalkidd's user avatar
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How to capture / record / download multiple streaming audio urls with a cmd or PowerShell script?

Windows 10 64-bit. How to capture / record / download multiple streaming audio urls with a cmd or PowerShell script? I capture 15 .mp3 audio streams from 15 servers for an hour every night using a ...
somebadhat's user avatar
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How to build a parallel, failsafe, redundant RTP wireless link

I have the following situation: A radio transmission studio is located in a town and the FM transmitter on the top of a hill 2km away with perfect vision. Currently the studio sends an RTP audio ...
EA2EGA's user avatar
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How to create 2 different audio streams that appear alternately on a video with ffmpeg

I know about the interplay of 2 videos with the command "enable = 'lt (mod (t"). But I don't know how to make two audio streams intertwine appear in the same video. Can you show me if there is one? I ...
Lea... FFmpeg's user avatar
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Audio routing on Windows 10 with 2 inputs and 2 outputs

Have a new setup for streaming and I'm trying to replicate an old routing I had when I was using a single machine. However, I'm now offloading the streaming via HDMI to another machine and I of course ...
lollbirdsey's user avatar
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Is there a way to stream all audio output in Windows 10 (not just individual files) to an Android client device via http?

I would like to stream all audio output (not just individual music files) from my Windows 10 PC, via http, to Neutron Music Player on my android phone. Neutron allows entering of a http address and ...
b0b's user avatar
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ffmpeg - adding/re-encoding audio stream on video file

I want to add an audio stream to an existing video file. The issue I have is that: File can have more than 1 audio stream (different languages/commentary). File can have more than 1 text stream. My ...
elTanqueAU's user avatar
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Is it possible to accelerate my office's stream capture process?

Hoping someone has had experience with this roadblock. As a law office, one of our tasks is to capture court proceedings that were streamed within the last couple of days. This task is complicated by ...
miola's user avatar
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Avoiding blocky output on ffmpeg live stream

I am new to ffmpeg and tvheadend. However, I would like to create a live TV stream using ffmpeg and tvheadend. From tvheadend, I can view the different tv channels - however, they stop working after ...
Goodman's user avatar
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Changing input on the fly

I want to ask about changing input on the fly in ffmpeg cli. I have a few inputs like: png files two RTSP streams and I want to change between those RTSP streams in fly because I'm streaming from ...
GPSNeo's user avatar
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Using ffmpeg apply audio filter dynaudnorm to multiple audiostreams in avi

I have a avi file video-double-audio.avi with 1 video stream and multiple audio streams # ffprobe video-double-audio.avi ... [avi @ 0x559498d59080] non-interleaved AVI Input #0, avi, from 'video-...
MuadDev's user avatar
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(ffmpeg) Split internet radio stream into separate mp3 files of equal duration, which could be played separately

I want to build a software which listens to internet radio stations and analyzes them with echoprint. In order to handle audio processing i decided to use ffmpeg. I have URL of radio stream, which i ...
Дмитрий's user avatar