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3 votes
2 answers

How to convert UTF-8 to ANSI

(note that I posted a previous iteration of my question in stack overflow) Hello there, I am trying to change multiple files from UTF-8 to ANSI in Notepad. My goal is change them to ANSI like my ...
Ruth-Anne's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Is it an ANSI or UTF8 file?

I edited the following batch file in notepad. At the bottom-right corner of notepad, it showed "UTF8". I saved the file in ANSI format. Now, the bottom-right corner of notepad showed "...
joehua's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

ANSI codes in /etc/issue file

I have an /etc/issue file that contains some ANSI color codes on a Linux development board. When I connect from serial terminal, everything shows up perfectly. However, when I connect from SSH, the ...
avishorp's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Maven - ignore ANSI color escaping chars in grep search

I find that sometimes, ANSI escaping chars in mvn output prevents me to do this search with grep: mvn | grep -P "\[INFO\]" I have to use "\[.*INFO.*\]" to get results. How to ...
WesternGun's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

My text file is riddled with question marks. How can I make it readable?

When I open one of my text files in Visual Studio Code, the text contains a lot of question marks where I had expected to see Swedish letters, such as å, ä, ö : ^ click to enlarge Down to the right (...
Henke - Нава́льный П с м's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to go from control characters to a key and back

What is the best way to obtain a two-way dictionary between a specific key (specified by either a descriptive name or by the press of a the corresponding key) to a code like \e[7~ as used in .inputrc ...
Kvothe's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to convert multiple files encoded in UTF-8-BOM to ANSI?

I'm trying to convert multiple files that are encoded in UTF-8-BOM back to ANSI. I found out that with Powershell using this command: PS> get-item c:\temp\utf8\*.* | foreach-object {get-content -...
zick's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Right Alt + letter 'a' doesn't work

Good morning to all! I'm having a problem with my new keyboard and I'm going to share it here to see if someone can help me. I am from Spain and I have always used national ISO keyboards but as I am a ...
Thej96fa's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can I see all ANSI symbols in Notepad++?

I need see all ANSI symbols in Notepad++ to create formulas, expressions and equations math in Notepad++.
challote's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

I am trying to convert a CSV file to ANSI format with Textedit on Mac OS High Sierra version 10.13

I have to provide CSV files with Energy Manager consumption data to an Energy Management System (EMS) and I am working on a Mac with OS High Sierra Version 10.13. I work with LibreOffice and with the ...
Norbert Vasen's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Sending correct escape sequences in terminal

Issue To scroll a few lines up in WeeChat one is supposed to press <Alt> + <PgUp>. When I press these keys, the program thinks I'm pressing <Alt> + , instead. Debugging In my ...
Atcold's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

How can I get a WSL window with full colour support in Windows GUI Emacs?

How can I get WSL [Windows Sub-system for Linux] to run in a window on Windows GUI Emacs? The only way I can do it so far is to enter a subshell in either emacs shell or term cmd by entering the wsl ...
rzjnzk's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Stop VS Code from auto guessing encoding

I use VS Code to make a German site. I use a German special character in a style.css file. After restarting VS Code and changing the file encoding from UTF-8 to Windows-1252, I get what is shown in ...
Md. Mehedi Hassan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it safe (no data loss) to convert ANSI to UTF-8 and then back to ANSI?

Is it safe (no data loss) to convert ANSI to UTF-8 and then back to ANSI? I have read that you can lose data going from UTF-8 to ANSI. But if the file was changed from ANSI to UTF-8 (and not changed ...
Mister's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

How to be sure that a script saved with ANSI is going to work on every client environment?

Long story short. How can I fix users environments, to make them run our scripts using ANSI encode? The problem is, we send them scripts to run on their databases using ANSI encode. But some of ...
Rafael Piccinelli's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Tools for converting 8-bit C1 control characters to ESC sequences?

The ECMA-48 ("ANSI escape sequences") standard describe two ways of encoding the C1 set of control codes: using 2 character ESC sequences, or alternatively, using 8-bit control characters. Wikipedia ...
Rehno Lindeque's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Using .bat to convert ANSI to UTF-8 in windows [duplicate]

So, I have o convert a .csv file from ANSI encoding to UTF-8 in windows, using a .bat file. Basically a program capable of doing this conversion without needing Notepad++ nor excel and etc. Do you ...
Pedro Martins de Souza's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Convert a text file from ansi to UTF-8 in windows batch scripting

We have a text file which is in default ANSI format and that needs to be converted into UTF-8 format. Is there any way we can use the general windows DOS commands to convert the file? We can use the ...
Raj's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Change the default of encoding in Notepad

I wanted to change the default of encoding in Notepad (ANSI) to UTF-8. According to following link went ahead and this work was done. But still remains a problem. If create a text file, the default ...
WeLoveLinux's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a way to force Notepad++ Encoding to Windows-1252?

Is there a way to force Notepad++ Encoding to Windows-1252 for files that it doesn't auto-detect the encoding? It seems it defaults to UTF-8 and I want it to default to Windows-1252 instead. Thanks ...
Imnus's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between Windows-1252 and ANSI encoding?

I'm trying to convert UTF-8 to ANSI encoding through a tool. But it shows Western European (Windows)-1252 instead of ANSI. Are they both the same thing? Should I go ahead with this?
Abd's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

OS X: Trying to run an application in terminal and create an image of it

I am trying to run a program such as tload or slurm which graphs a system metric over time, and make its input into an image that has ANSI color support. The best I can think of is using ...
Noah Overcash's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Unicode and ASCII backward compatibility

If first 127 characters are same then why are we still using ASCII and is there backward compatibility issue when using Unicode instead of ASCII
Stribor50's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Create new file in WinSCP with UTF-8 without BOM encoding

I'm using WinSCP in order to work via SFTP with a remote server running a Linux distro. I'm also using Notepad++ (latest version) as my text editor (when editing a remote file). When I use WinSCP to ...
Emmanuel Figuerola's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Unicode text lost when saved as ANSI

When I saved a text file using a notepad with ANSI, I lost all of the information since it became all question marks. Is there a way to convert it back to Unicode to retrieve the text?
Abdullah3182's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

What's the deal with terminal colors?

There are 256 terminal color escapes available: 8 "system" colors (0 - 7) 8 "bright" system colors (8 - 15) 216, or 6*6*6 "RGB" colors (16 - 231) 24 "grayscale" colors (232 - 255) The "RGB" colors ...
Max Cantor's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Ruby ri output not coloured in iTerm 2

When I run Ruby ri in an iTerm 2 terminal window, the output is not coloured and I don't know why. Other programs such as Vim work with colour properly. Running ri -f ansi Array.sort results in ...
jordelver's user avatar
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35 votes
1 answer

ANSI to UTF-8 in Notepad++

I have a text encoded in ANSI: When I tried to convert it into UTF-8 (using the Notepad++ menu Encoding > UTF-8), I get some weird characters: I thought that UTF-8 was a superset of ANSI and that I ...
user3658425's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Handling black text in a dark terminal colour scheme

I tweaked my colours in iTerm (though the specific terminal application I use is not relevant). I chose a dark background colour, and defined red, green, yellow, etc. All was well until I ran npm ...
davidchambers's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Ansicon vs. Batch File

I am attempting to make a colored command prompt in Windows 7. Using ansicon, I have successfully managed to create the prompt. However, when I put the commands into a batch file, I receive an error....
Welton v3.62's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Xterm control sequence to get RGB value for ANSI color

The meat In (some) terminals you can use a sequence like this; printf "\e]4;3;rgb:cc/78/33\e\\" to set the third color in the ANSI color palette to the RGB values represented by #CC7833. ...
Jonas Schubert Erlandsson's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I change the color palette of Windows command prompt? [duplicate]

First, I don't want this: How to change the default color of the Command Prompt? When I say color palette, I mean the real scheme/palette, not just foreground+background. I want to change the ...
TWiStErRob's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How those undocumented ANSI codes work

I found gnu head ANSI art (that show up in alsmot grayscale on Cygwin terminal) and it have undocumented ANSI CSI SGR numbers like: [38;5;243m Wikipedia say that the numbers are up to 109. What ...
jcubic's user avatar
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1 answer

Where can I find documentation about GNU/Linux TTY formatting

On site there is GNU Head that can be display on terminal it have XTerm compatible (Normal documented ANSI Codes) but it also contain TTY version (it work on Cygwin, didn't test in XTerm or ...
jcubic's user avatar
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1 answer

How does excel manage to correctly decode this file contents?

I start with an excel file with the contents in each row: TEST çığ öğö çüş Then I export this file as a CSV file and save it as ANSI format (which from what I have read is same as US-ASCII). When I ...
Cemre's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Convert ANSI text file(s) to UTF8 on Windows command line

I would like to convert (an) ANSI-encoded text file(s) (Win 1252) to UTF8 without BOM, ideally via a command-line call. My use-case: I export .tex files from Stata which I want to compile with ...
dpprdan's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Changing the default ANSI to UTF-8 in Notepad

I got an e-book reader a few months ago, and I finally figured out why it doesn't display .txt files correctly. It doesn't like ANSI. It has no problem with the other 3 types of coding notepad ...
Emma's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How to convert ANSI colored text to PDF

I have a program that generates console output colored with ANSI codes. How to convert it to PDF keeping the colours? I need a unixish command line solution
grep's user avatar
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0 answers

ANSI Russian docx to unicode

I've a big ms-word doc file which contains ANSI encoded russian texts and some fomula's with special formatting. I would like to know is there any tool using which I convert the "ANSI" encoded doc ...
Levon Poghosyan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to convert unicode font to ansi

I am trying to use Bengali writing product Avro Keyboard but since it uses Unicode by default so working with Adobe products like Photoshop, PageMaker, etc… are not working at all. When I change the ...
Arin Chakraborty's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Process ANSI escape codes before piping

I'm trying to pipe the output of a script (Mocha) to another script. However there is one problem: Mocha generates quite a few ansi escape characters to update the screen on the fly. These characters ...
Tiddo's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

ANSI file with charSet with latin character

I´m with a doubt about encoding/charset. I make a test. Typing the string "TEST Á" without the quotes in Notepad++ with encode in ANSI. "The ANSI charsets are all the same for ASCII characters such ...
Jeferson Tenorio's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Why does [ALT+224] return Ó instead of alpha?

I'm on WIN 7. I found that windows is using ANSI, not ASCII. So when I type ALT + 224 i get Ó, instead of α. To get α I have to manually copy it from the windows character map every time I want to use ...
irikkkkk's user avatar
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66 votes
9 answers

Windows console with ANSI colors handling

Is there any console emulator for Windows that interprets ANSI coloring? We use rspec and a part of our team use Windows and the special string for coloring are not very useful for them ;).
mrzasa's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to pipe Windows "dir" in ANSI codepage

This applies to both Windows XP and Windows 7. Some of my files have names with European characters, for example the German a-umlaut, also known as a-diaeresis. These are displayed correctly in ...
Rich Pasco's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

ANSI Colors & Syntax

Is there a mapping of ANSI colors to their syntax in a given shell? For example, in BASH, Blue seems to be Folders and Green seems to be executable files. Does a list exist for what ANSI colors mean ...
Patrick Perini's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

How do I get excel to not mess around with the formatting of a .csv file

I have two issues with a csv file that occur when I try and edit it in Excel. I have an ISBN column that gets reformatted to scientific format every time I save the file The encoding for the file is ...
Martin Duys's user avatar
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29 votes
4 answers

Escape non-printing characters in a function for a Bash prompt

In a Bash Prompt (PS1 variable), I'm calling a function to potentially add text to the prompt: export PS1="\u@\h \$(my_function) \$ " However, the function in the prompt contains ANSI color codes ...
MidnightLightning's user avatar
36 votes
6 answers

How can I change the colors of my xterm using Ansi escape sequences?

I would like to change the colors (background, font, foreground) of my xterm from the commandline. I've heard that this can be done using ANSI escape sequences. If this is possible: How is it done? ...
Nathan Fellman's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

PHPUnit Windows command box nice colors

I have PHPunit installed on a Windows machine. But I don't get nice output on my command line. With the green colours. Someone on the PHPunit mailing list told me I need the ansi.sys driver. Can ...
sanders's user avatar
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