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Questions tagged [amazon-web-services]

Amazon web service questions are on topic here only if the question is about the operating system or using a PC application hosted there. Otherwise, other sites on the network may be more appropriate

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65 votes
5 answers

Is there a way to list available/configured AWS CLI profiles?

Is there a way to list available/configured AWS CLI profiles, other than parsing ~/.aws/config and/or ~/.aws/credentials for profile names?
Ville's user avatar
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46 votes
8 answers

Time machine backup on S3

Is there any possibility to use Amazon S3 for Mac OS X time machine backups? Or in other words: Use S3 rather an external hard disk for time machine backups?
Marc's user avatar
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45 votes
5 answers

Is there any option to use Amazon Cloud Drive from terminal (Linux)?

As you probably know, Amazon did not release any Cloud Drive client for Linux. Is there any other option to access ACD from terminal?
metalcamp's user avatar
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34 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between Amazon Linux and RedHat Enterprise Linux on AWS EC2?

I am very new to this and I don't even know if I should ask this question here or on Stackoverflow or ServerFault. The Question I wish to set up a EC2 instance on Amazon Web Services. My ...
Gaurav Agarwal's user avatar
33 votes
5 answers

Amazon S3 Recover Deleted File

Is it possible to recover a file I deleted from my S3 bucket?
vonhogen's user avatar
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32 votes
8 answers

How to delete all glacier data?

I was using a tool on Mac OS X called Arq to backup my data, but i found it so hard to upload all my stuff since I don't and can't have an internet connection that is fast enough for it. So I decided ...
Shereef Marzouk's user avatar
24 votes
2 answers

permission denied on AWS Transfer on SFTP server

I can log into my server with cyberduck or filezilla but cannot read my homedirectory. s3 bucket "mybucket" exists. In cyber duck I see "Cannot readdir on root. Please contact your web hosting ...
user11020868's user avatar
24 votes
2 answers

unable to create txt record using amazon route 53

I can't add the following TXT record to my Route 53 DNS config: v=msv1 t=whatever Doing so produces the following error: The record set could not be saved because: - The Value field contains ...
neubert's user avatar
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22 votes
6 answers

Moving EBS snapshots to Glacier

I have hundreds of large EBS snapshots I need to move to Glacier. What's the best way to go about doing this?
Max's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

How to connect SageMaker notebook from VS Code?

I am using SageMaker to test ML approaches. I would like to refactor my SageMaker scripts towards more production ready code. Thus I would like to use VS Code to refactor code and run code on ...
Timo Nikkila's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

AWS upload folder to S3 as tar.gz without compressing locally

In AWS CLI, how do I upload a folder as a tar.gz file without creating a tar.gz locally? For example, I have a folder at /var/test and I want to upload it to /tests/test1.tar.gz How do I do that ...
Michael Samsung's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

aws --version error: bash: /usr/bin/aws: No such file or directory

I have an AWS CLI install problem that I found no solution for on the Web. Namely, I installed awscliv2 as guided by the AWS installation docs. After the install, when I enter the command aws --...
Dennis G Allard's user avatar
13 votes
7 answers

Login with Chrome to two different AWS accounts at the same time

I log in to AWS console often with two different accounts. Because of cookies, every time I log in to one account, it kicks me out from the other account. What are my options if I'd like to be able to ...
Martin Klosi's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

AWS CLI, using `--cli-input-json` in a pipeline

I'd like to use the aws command line application in a pipeline, but it doesn't appear to be possible. A working example is: $ aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://./mytask.json ...
Attie's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

parsing json in bash with pipe operators

I'm using the AWS CLI client to get the status of a snapshot but the output is in JSON. eg. { "DBClusterSnapshots": [ { "AvailabilityZones": [ ...
neubert's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

How to ssh from one ec2 instance to another?

I have created two EC2 instances on AWS. I created a key pair for each of them. I downloaded the .pem private keys and converted them into .ppk format. I can connect to each of my ec2 instances using ...
Stephen Walsh's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Does shutdown -h now on a Linux AWS instance stop or terminate the instance?

I am attempting to understand that if I use the command shutdown -h now on a Linux instance running on AWS, does it terminate or simply stop the instance. There doesn't appear to be any official ...
PeanutsMonkey's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

How long does it take to see a renewed SSL certificate?

I just renewed the SSL certificate for a domain and installed the new files on my AWS server running Apache. All appears to be ok, but the browser still shows the old expiration date. Is there a way I ...
Russell G's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

boto responds: AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials

I am using a CLI tool (from apache spark) that underneath uses boto. Although I have already confirmed that the AWS_ACCESS_KEY AWS_SECRET_KEY are correct (via doing ec2-describe-regions) the ...
WestCoastProjects's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

getting my domain name to point to my amazon ec2 instance

I'm trying to get my domain name pointed to my Amazon EC2 instance and am having some difficulty. I created a hosted zone for my domain name on route 54 and set the namesevers up as the "...
neubert's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

AWS Load Balancer is slow?

I realize I should probably ask this question on AWS forums but I tend to get quicker responses here. I'm trying to setup a load balanced environment in AWS. I have two EC2 instances that are ...
Peter's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

In elasticbeanstalk, can I ssh in and manually restart the (node) app?

I want to eb ssh in, stop the node app (not the entire instance), make a debug change, and npm start. When I eb ssh in I can inspect my files, and edit them. But I can't use the npm commands, and I ...
Ashley Coolman's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Lost sudo/su on Amazon EC2 instance

I have an Amazon EC2 instance. I can login just fine, but neither "su" nor "sudo" work now (they worked fine previously): "su" requests a password, but I login using ssh keys, and I don't think ...
user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

SSH via multiple hosts or bastions

Currently, as per normal procedure, we have a bastion server in each public subnet within a cloud network and we attempt to access it via the following config - Host webserverA User myuser ...
A23's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to setup EC2 spot instances with elastic IP? [closed]

I would like to set up an EC2 spot instance with an elastic IP. Here's the catch: if a spot instance is interrupted and resurrected later, Is the ip reassociated to the new instance? Am I billed for ...
Dan's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Large volume at /mnt on AWS instance

I know this is probably a somewhat 'dumb' question :) I have an AWS (small) instance and I just noticed that there is a ~150gb volume attached at /mnt, is this normal? It kinda freaked me out, I was ...
rhaag71's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How to mount an AWS volume on local host?

How do you go about mounting an AWS volume on a local host? I am working on a remote AWS volume and would like to treat its files as if they were local so that I can use the programs on my local host ...
ZenBalance's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Scripting an sFTP batch upload every 1 minute

I am wanting to record video of part of my house with a webcam while I am away for a few days to try and ensure any burgalers are photographed and the photo uploaded to my server before they even ...
Gizmo_the_Great's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How to whitelist an IPv6 address in VPC security groups on AWS?

I cannot enter an IPv6 address in the inbound rules in AWS VPC security group settings. It says The source must be a valid CIDR (e.g. or the ID of another security group and It wont let ...
FlavorScape's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

How to get the key ID from a .pem openssl file?

I have a .pem private key generated by openssl. How to extract the key ID from it? Edit: the generated rsa keypair is for Amazon cloudfront. When uploaded on the console, a 'Key ID' is displayed. ...
ascobol's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

How do I get the aws cli completion to work with zsh on ubuntu?

I installed aws console cli following the instructions here: I want to get completion working ...
Ovesh's user avatar
  • 444
7 votes
2 answers

What actually is Amazon EC2's 'pay per hour' for on demand instances? [closed]

I'm thinking to host my ROR website on Amazon EC2. I wont be needing a S3 as of now. But when I check the their pricing it's like Micro - $0.020 per Hour I don't get this per hour billing.My ...
mrudult's user avatar
  • 334
7 votes
1 answer

Is listening on a port on the localhost of a server the same as listening on that port of the server's public IP address?

I set up a free Amazon EC2 instance in order to use a Node app outside of my localhost environment. The instance is allocated a public IP address at launch, mine for example being Does ...
user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Where can I find Amazon Linux AMI Image for VirtualBox?

I'm trying to learn AWS and because I'm some familiar with Linux, I think the best way to learn is to get Amazon Linux AMI right into VirtualBox software and play with it. I see the latest Amazon ...
Umair A.'s user avatar
  • 441
7 votes
1 answer

Know the identity behind an AWS canonical ID

Today while auditing a friends security settings, I found that an Amazon Folder (s3 bucket) with his most personal files had an unrecognised ACL entry. A person (with id ending in f6995f) had "Write" ...
american-ninja-warrior's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

AWS instance doesn't start after reattaching root volume

I have a t1.micro instance with /dev/sda1 volume attached. Now I am out of disk space and migrating to a larger volume. I created the larger volume from the original disk snapshot and attached it to a ...
Michael Zelensky's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What does it mean when Redshift gives you "invalid end key specified" on a dynamo table load?

Doing a dynamo load into redshift I got this error that didn't show up in the Redshift docs or as a literal string into google at all. # copy redshift_table_name from 'dynamodb://DYANAMOTABLENAME' ...
Ry4an Brase's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Port 80 not accessible Amazon ec2

I have started a Amazon EC2 instance (Linux Redhat)... And Apache as well. But when i try: http://MyPublicHostName I get no response. I have ensured that my Security Group allows access to port 80....
Jasper's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between Public DNS and public IP in AWS ec2?

I found that in ec2 there are two things public DNS and public IP and xx.255.190.196 Both can access through ssh and ping. So what are ...
TheOneTeam's user avatar
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7 votes
0 answers

Can't connect to S3 using cyberduck

I'm trying to connect to my S3 bucket using cyberduck. I select S3 from the dropdown. Input into server name: {bucket-name} Access key ID and Secret Access Key into the next two ...
goose's user avatar
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6 votes
7 answers

What can cause a MAC Address to change?

I would like a summary of common scenarios that can cause a MAC address to change? Does hopping on a new network give you a new MAC? Does installing a new network device (e.g. WiFi card) cause a ...
jakc's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Unable to run AWS CLI: "ImportError: cannot import name 'docevents' from ''"

New to linux, I just installed AWS CLI alongside Python3 and boto3 but I get this error when I tried running AWS CLI. fdostuni@PG022:~$ sudo ./aws/install You can now run: /usr/local/bin/aws --version ...
FeDos's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How to solve 404 Error in AWS apg-get for debian jessie fetch?

I have a Linux AWS machine and i started having this issue a few days ago: Err jessie-updates/main amd64 Packages Err jessie-updates/main amd64 Packages ...
user3930696's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

AWS allow user to call create-role

When trying to create a role i run into the following error (AccessDenied) when calling the CreateRole operation: User: arn:...
Menachem Hornbacher's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Vagrant error: The provider 'aws' could not be found

I am using Vagrant 1.6.5 and trying to deploy to Amazon AWS. I can successfully deploy to DigitalOcean, but with AWS I get the error: The provider 'aws' could not be found, but was requested to back ...
wx13's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Unable to mount Elastic File System on EC2 (mount.nfs4: Connection timed out)

I am trying to mount an EFS file sytem on an EC2 instance. Here is what I'm doing: Connect to EC2 instance using ssh -i "MyKeyPair.pem" [email protected]. ...
Yankee's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

AWS cloudwatch failed to execute action. Error: ""

I'm using terraform to manage my infrastructure. I've added new cloudwatch alarms to triggers an ECS (fargate) autoscaling policy. Everything went okay, however, every time any of my cloudwatch alarms ...
Costav V's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to enable two users simultaneous access to a Windows instance in AWS?

I have an instance of Windows Server 2008 inside AWS. To access it I and another developer use a Remote Desktop client file. The issue is we cannot have access to the same instance at the same time. ...
Igor Alves's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How do you route within an Amazon VPC subnet?

I have an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud that looks like this: Internet Gateway My OpenVPN Instance My Windows Box What I want is traffic from the Windows box ...
goertzenator's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

AWS Client S3 mv command is slow

I am using aws cli to move the files around in S3 in the same bucket. As far as I know, AWS S3 does not maintain the folder structure. It stores the entire path as key to the file and displays it in ...
nightgaunt's user avatar

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